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Charlotte/Raleigh consolidated desk

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by Mike_Persinger, Jun 13, 2011.

  1. Here's the ad for Charlotte/Raleigh consolidated desk jobs, for anyone interested:

    We’re looking for page designers/copy editors to work on a consolidated desk in Charlotte that serves the Charlotte Observer, Raleigh News & Observer and Rock Hill Herald. The positions will be responsible for copy editing and designing news, sports and/or feature pages and will be filled by journalists who have excellent word skills, can create compelling pages and can work well in a team setting that demands flexibility. Solid design skills and a mastery of AP style, spelling and grammar are essential. Please send a resume, work samples and a cover letter to obsjobs@gmail.com
  2. MGoBlue

    MGoBlue Member

    Too funny. It's been since 2007 since I last logged onto this site, and I remember your name posting jobs (don't remember where) and 'bumping' postings. Thanks for the memory.
    PBPost news/sports/business/local/opinion page designer/copy editor and web producer.
    (Damn ... gets longer all the time)
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