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Charleston Airport evacuated; WV woman detained with explosive liquids

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by poindexter, Aug 17, 2006.

  1. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    I can see that, but sometimes because there's fewer people at the smaller airports, you get checked more thoroughly because they aren't holding anything up.
  2. Rusty Shackleford

    Rusty Shackleford Active Member

    Not at that one, though. I've been in and out of Tri-State Airport many a time, and I must admit surprise that they actually caught the woman. Security at that particular port of air has never seemed very strong, in my opinion.

    And by the way, the thread title is wrong -- It's not Charleston's airport where the woman was caught, it's Huntington's.
  3. Bubba Fett

    Bubba Fett Active Member

    What are the Sierra Mist people going to do now?
  4. BigDog

    BigDog Active Member

    I say we use her for target practice. On live television. Preferrably on Al-Jazeera.
  5. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    It's not a lie since it was purely speculation at the time of the incident. Lying implies that CNN, Fox, MSNBC, et al, knew the real reason, which of course they didn't, and don't now.

    But it's funny that whenever you start seeing media reports about gas prices going up or down they always turn out to be accurate, even if the reported reason for it is wrong.
  6. beefncheddar

    beefncheddar Guest

    A Pakistani woman in West Virginia? Hell, you KNEW they'd be giving her everything just short of a full cavity search.
  7. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Yeah, well, she looked Afghani, so she thought she would get a pass.
  8. Pastor

    Pastor Active Member

    My implication was that the reports provided were based on lies. Saying that airplanes would be using less fuel is just foolish when there isn't a reduction in the number of flights.

    And, yes, your last paragraph is spot on. It is very funny how the gas price adjusts despite the reasoning being shit.
  9. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you've given this some thought.
  10. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    Yeah but the reports were the day the bust took place. I don't think they were basing it on anything. I think it was a wild-ass guess. People were expecting a reduction in flights even with no reason to believe it.
  11. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Actually heard an explanation from an energy expert on the radio yesterday that made a lot of sense. The theory was, none of these asshole oil speculators that are driving the price up want to be the moron who pays the highest price ever for oil. So they're kind of testing the market, seeing how far they can push it, and backing off a little. When oil gets back around $65 a barrel, he figured they'd start bidding it up again to where it's at now -- just in time for the winter heating oil rush, of course.
    In short, we're fucked until we figure out how to make the hamsters run on the wheel for 400 miles without tiring out.
  12. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    Fuck it, let's start interning oil speculators.
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