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Baseball's "code"

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by hondo, Apr 25, 2010.

  1. Bodie_Broadus

    Bodie_Broadus Active Member

    If it isn't explicitly prohibited it isn't against the rules.
  2. novelist_wannabe

    novelist_wannabe Well-Known Member

    Private Santiago is dead because he had no code, no honor. Just sayin'
  3. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    "Am I to understand you won't be keepin' to The Code?"

    Captain Jack Teague.
  4. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    And God was watching.
  5. BB Bobcat

    BB Bobcat Active Member

    By the way, tonight in SF Aubrey Huff had to go back to first from third after a foul ball. He clearly went the long way around the mound.

    Of course, A-Rod would have gone around too if it would have been Roy Halladay.
  6. Not walking over the mound really isn't any different than the unwritten rules in any other sport. Just like in basketball, you aren't supposed to walk right by or into the other team's huddle. I don't think that rule is written down either, but it's understood that if you go over there, you're going to get your ass kicked. The pitcher's got to have an attitude when he's pitching, and part of that attitude should be, 'This is my mound.'

    Of course, if I was Braden I would have just drilled A-Rod in the rib cage his next at-bat. Don't make a scene, not even a warning. Just bury one in his ribs and let your first baseman explain it to him once he catches his breath.
  7. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    What are the "unwritten rules" of SportsJournalists.com? Or sports journalism in general?
  8. novelist_wannabe

    novelist_wannabe Well-Known Member

    No outing. No dissing the Twins or Vikings for risk of being sent to your room. No political threads. Oh, wait, that one's in writing.

    No cheering in the press box. No shoehorning in on someone's interview. No drinking the kool-aid.
  9. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    I'll throw in a couple. Never be the first reply on a thread you started. Never use another person's avatar unless it's as a show of respect or support during a personal or professional crisis. Double-check your links before and after you post them.

    on the journo side - don't act like you're the only one with a tight deadline - don't trash colleagues to those at other news orgs when you are on the clock/assignment. Realize that there have been thousands of journos before you and at least hundreds coming after you - act like a professional. Treat people with respect and remember - it's not about YOU.
  10. Oggiedoggie

    Oggiedoggie Well-Known Member

    I think that the mound thing is covered in the unwritten code: Section 4, Chapter 7, subsection 13, paragraph B.
  11. novelist_wannabe

    novelist_wannabe Well-Known Member

    I totally forgot that part of the line. Good catch.
  12. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    Don't lose your credential.
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