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Baseball should either put up or shut up

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by creamora, May 3, 2007.

  1. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    I love how this goofball is talking to us about being closed-minded when he won't even consider anything any of us posts or answer a question with his own words.
  2. creamora

    creamora Member


    I'm not sure. I guess we will have to wait a see how it all plays out. Who may or may not be indicted and convicted? Who may or may not be banned by baseball? I''m waiting until the evidence is revealed before I convict anybody in my mind. Do I think there has been rampant use of performance enhancing drugs at the elite level of all sports for many years? I certainly do. Do I have ideas that I think could help to to significantly reduced the use of drugs at the elite level of sports? I do.
    Acknowledgment of a problem is always the first step in finding answers and creating positive change. Looks like baseball is going to have to be forced at every stage in the process to acknowledge that they've had a very serious drug problem for many years.

    There are much more important questions than whether or not I think it's possible that Bonds may have used drugs.
  3. alleyallen

    alleyallen Guest

    Any attempt ... ANY ... to separate Bonds' personality from this debate is foolish. While that one factor certainly is not the crux of the argument, it does play a key role in public perception, as big a court as MLB big wigs.

    Many people were willing to forgive Pete Rose his transgressions, until he actually opened his mouth a couple of years ago and came off sounding like a total clown. Were Bonds more of a likeable guy, circumstances in this debate might be a bit different.
  4. creamora

    creamora Member

    21, says, "So change my mind. I thought that's why you were here."

    I'm here mostly for the entertainment. This is a fun place. It also seems that there are a lot of open-minded people here, which makes the debates very enlightening. I actually enjoy impregnating people's minds with the truth when I get the opportunity. Finally, it's nice to be able to to just hang out at a place where you can get lots of love and credibility isn't a prerequisite.
  5. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    Great. Now I need a diaphragm that will fit in my ears.
  6. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Great. Now if you ever manage to stumble upon any truth, you just let us no. So far, you're batting .000.
  7. Bucknutty

    Bucknutty Member

    I would argue that credibility is a prerequisite. I'm not necessarily going to believe just anything that some random person who stumbled upon this board happened to post. I'd be wary of journalists who accept things posted here as the immediate gospel truth.
  8. creamora

    creamora Member

    Bonds will break the home run record. Watch it actualize before your very eyes. How about that for some truth? Just because you don't like something doesn't make it untrue. They're having a sale on earplugs at Longs Pharmacy.
  9. Montezuma's Revenge

    Montezuma's Revenge Active Member

    That is so deep.
    What a piercing insight into the human condition.

    He's 12 away from Aaron. Really, ya think he's gonna get the record? Thanks for that tip.

  10. alleyallen

    alleyallen Guest

    Actualize? While it is indeed a word, it's probably not the best choice to use in a case like this. Not a real strong way to make your case on a journalism board.
  11. creamora

    creamora Member

    There's a better quesion. Are you gonna like it? Bonds loves haters. The more you hate, the better he plays. Hate on.
  12. alleyallen

    alleyallen Guest

    I'm sure the average fan could give a swut about what Bonds thinks.

    And while the record may be broken, it doesn't mean fans HAVE to acknowledge or appreciate the achievement. You're hung up on the whole he's not be convicted aspect yet, but we're not in a courtroom. This is the court of public opinion, and journalists or not, people are going to have their opinion, dislike and distrust of Bonds simply for who he is and what he's been perceived to have done.
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