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Another head-scratcher

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by newinthefield, Apr 19, 2011.

  1. mpcincal

    mpcincal Well-Known Member

    Well, this has turned into quite a philosophical discussion, which is fine, but my take really isn't too deep.

    My point mainly is: Over the past few years, I've heard about several athletes who have left the team to be with his wife while she's in labor, and now I don't even bat an eye when a story like that comes up. I don't understand why a sportswriter would make a big deal of it other than "Oh, BTW, Mr. Pitcher was with his wife for the birth of his son. Congratulations to him."

    I mean, really, "I swear I'm not making this up."? Why would I think you were making it up?
  2. kingcreole

    kingcreole Active Member

    Witnessing the birth of a child is one of the coolest things a father can witness. Seconds after my son was born, the doctors held him for the queen and I to see him. I said, Dr. Evil style, "Hello son. I'm your father." Kid started crying immediately.

    And being there for the birth of your kids doesn't even count possible unforeseen complications. Sure, most of the time it goes all right. But among other things, I wanted to damn well make sure my newborns and my wife were both OK.
  3. Shaggy

    Shaggy Guest

    Yeah, I can't imagine telling my wife "Hey honey, you'll do great. If you don't hemorrhage and die, give me a call and let me know how everything went. I'll be in a meeting until 10 but after that I'm good."
  4. jr/shotglass

    jr/shotglass Well-Known Member

    And that's OK, Shaggy. But in just about everything involving one's personal lives, it's a personal decision. And that means it's not black-and-white. To you, it may be. To the guy next to you, it might not be.

    There, as usual, is the hammer hitting the nail on the head.
  5. Couldn't have said it better.
  6. albert77

    albert77 Well-Known Member

    Just for the record, my daughter (the last of three) was born exactly 42 minutes after we pulled up in front of the ER. We got my wife into the room there and at the moment of delivery, a nurse tried to get me to step away, and I told her no.

    "I missed seeing my other two kids being born, this is the last one we're having and I want to see it." She didn't say a word, and it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.

    So y'all won't think I'm a deadbeat, my oldest son was born by c-section, so I couldn't be there for his birth, and while I was in the delivery room for our other son, I was concentrating so much on my wife, I completely missed his birth. Wife asked me if I'd seen it, and I said how? "I was worrying about you." "Didn't you see the big mirror they had down there?" "No." So much for my powers of observation. ::)
  7. BitterYoungMatador2

    BitterYoungMatador2 Well-Known Member

    Imagine what this guy woulda' said to Phil Mickelson in 1999 if his pager had gone off.
  8. MacDaddy

    MacDaddy Active Member

    Sorry for the tangent, but why couldn't you be there for the C-section? My son was born by C-section earlier this month and I was there.
  9. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    I think it also needs to be mentioned that fathers "participating" in the birth is somewhat of a "new" development. No more of Don Draper sucking down whiskey and smokes in the waiting room with other expectant fathers.
  10. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

  11. Lugnuts

    Lugnuts Well-Known Member

    When I think about the child and what it will think when he or she is old enough to understand this, I want to vomit.
  12. jr/shotglass

    jr/shotglass Well-Known Member

    Colby Lewis' child?
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