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... And Baby Makes 19!

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Football_Bat, May 8, 2007.

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  1. three_bags_full

    three_bags_full Well-Known Member

    I've found that ignoring him is the best answer.
  2. boots

    boots New Member

    I've been ignoring your dumb ass for quite some time. Apparently, you don't take the hint too well.
    I made a statement about the woman. So did you. Big Shit. Get over it.
    What? Wanna start a word war over a woman neither one of us know having a baby basically every year? Get the fuck out of here and grow up man.
  3. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    Does someone want to explain how babies are made to boots again?
  4. Idaho

    Idaho Active Member

    As if we want boots procreating any more than he already has.
  5. Mystery_Meat

    Mystery_Meat Guest

    If there was a pressing issue with overpopulation in America, or the part of the country they're in, you'd have a point. (and I think you do have to make the distinction in regions because the most direct impact population growth would be how it affects that area's infrastructure -- in other words, population growth in Canada has only the most tangical impact, if any, to conditions in China or India, and vice versa).

    And if they were knowingly adding to the family in an area that can't sustain people, then there'd be a point too.

    But in the grand scheme, 17 kids as opposed to 2.5 doesn't do a lot to tilt the world off its axis.
  6. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    In this case, geography is a red herring. As is pointing out any one family, really.

    As I said, I'm not the one to make this case. I was merely pointing out that people can and do have ethical objections to this that are valid and outside any kind of religious discrimination.
  7. Mystery_Meat

    Mystery_Meat Guest

    I guess my point on the overpopulation argument is that it's a little oversold. From reading the wikipedia article, our rate of growth has dropped in half from its peak in 1957, which was something like 2.17 percent. Hell, Europe is actually shrinking.

    Of course, overpopulation CAN be an issue, and I'm sure it is in China and India, but the very term tends to make people think "holy shit, we're running out of resources and room" when as a whole it's not THAT bad.

    I can see trying to make the argument, but it's hard to sustain it, I think.
  8. boots

    boots New Member

    No doubt about it. Momma gives GOOD LOVE!!!!
  9. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    Right, but in America, population density doesn't really matter. It's a big fucking country.

    But to get around in that big fucking country, people have to use roads, and they have to drive on those roads with cars. Since everything is very spread out, that means a lot more driving.

    The bigger point being -- every nation is likely straining with population growth, to some extent. In some places it is more obvious, because they are simply running out of places to put people.

    In countries like the US, where room is not really an issue, the strain shows in things such as pollution levels from cars and poor projections for social service programs and the like.

    And you might be right that it's not THAT bad. But it's the kind of thing that can turn VERY bad in a hurry.
  10. [​IMG]

    I got these two, mama.
  11. three_bags_full

    three_bags_full Well-Known Member

  12. AgatePage

    AgatePage Active Member

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