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All-purpose, running Geek thread (formerly Battlestar Galactica thread)

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Piotr Rasputin, Jan 31, 2007.

  1. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    My wife hadn't seen Captain America: First Avenger, Thor or Black Panther and she was able to keep up with Infinity War. There was stuff she missed, but it didn't bother her much.

    Of course, it is a better movie if you have seen everything leading up to it. For example, the look on the Guardians' faces when they hear Thanos devastated Xandar to get one of the stones means a lot more if you've seen the first Guardians of the Galaxy, but it's a moment that passes quickly. What do you really need from the first two Captain America movies? The scenes on Vormir really don't lose that much if you don't know about the Red Skull. Civil War might be a bit tough to understand without The Winter Soldier, but the former will tell you all you need to know about Bucky.

    I don't think you are missing any that she needs to see. Does she even are about understanding most or all of the references in the movie?
  2. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    Always check YouTube:

    bigpern23 likes this.
  3. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Good call.
  4. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

  5. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

  6. Severian

    Severian Well-Known Member

    Reddit is going ape shit over the new Spiderman game. It's looks ... fine. I don't have a PS4, so I don't know what the hype is all about.

    Now, a game everyone should be excited about is the new Mario Party for Nintendo Switch. That game will destroy families.
  7. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    First trailer for Captain Marvel. Aside from the younger Nick Fury looking a little odd, I like what I see.
  8. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

  9. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    International trailer for Bumblebee. If nothing else, it looks a lot more like the Transformers from the '80s.

  10. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    The first trailer for the next X-Men movie is out. I guess I missed that it was being called Dark Phoenix rather than just Phoenix. That certainly takes some mystery out of the plot. I like that they are focusing on the dark turn for Jean and Xavier being at least partially responsible. We saw some of that in The Last Stand, but it was mixed up with too much other crap and it was not done well.

  11. Severian

    Severian Well-Known Member

    Another god damn X-Men movie? Ugh.
  12. Madhavok

    Madhavok Well-Known Member

    This looks, I don't know, bad. Not Venom bad, but just underwhelming. There's no attachment to Jean to or any of the new members like Cyclops and company. They were in one movie, which was super bad, and felt like there was no development for them. I know this is 10 years later so at this point they'll be an integral part of the team, but to us viewers they are new and we don't know shit about them. Well, we comic book people know, but casual viewers maybe ? So to me this is a huge 'meh' which sucks because I love X-Men and this arc. Hellfire club already wasted in First Class, doubt Mastermind will be in this, and we didn't even get Phoenix first.

    Now Bumblebee looks fun.

    Captain Marvel teaser trailer was whatever, but the movie will pretty good. We all know it will be.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2018
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