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About what are you a snob?

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Inky_Wretch, Jul 1, 2008.

  1. Gold

    Gold Active Member

  2. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    Well, as long as it's extra crunchy JPEG.
  3. Rhody31

    Rhody31 Well-Known Member

    Tipping waiters and waitresses ....

    Seriously, it's golf courses. I can't stand courses that use good conditions to hide a terrible layout; bad greens drive me insane; please, at least have somewhere I can hit balls before my round or at least chip and putt.
  4. Birdscribe

    Birdscribe Active Member

    Bad greens are inexcusable. Don't have a problem with fast, don't have a problem (that much) with slow. The muni we play after work has slow greens. That's fine... AS LONG AS THEY'RE CONSISTENT.

    Don't make me putt on marble on one hole and shag carpeting on the next. Unforgivable.

    And hiding a bad layout under good conditions? We had a course like that nearby. It had two of the greatest holes in the entire valley, but the rest of it should have been given back to the sheep.

    An awful layout: blind shots to small greens not designed to hold a long iron or fairway wood, barely any creativity in design, which was a waste, considering the nice plot of land it was on.
  5. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    The mention of golf reminds me of something which happened earlier today. And I guess this is a form of snobbishness on my part.

    I was at a nearby bar, grabbing a beer after a ballgame. And seated next to me at the bar was a foursome of guys, obviously just got off the course a while ago.

    While I'm there, the guy next to me gets a call on his cellphone. And I only heard the end of the call: "Don't bug me. I'm here with the guys. I'll get home when I get home." And he hung up.

    I really wanted to smack the guy. And it took a lot for me not to at least say something.

    The person at the other end of the line was the person he was going to grow old with, the person he was making a life with. The other three rubes at the bar with him aren't.

    We've lost common courtesy in later generations. As my wife said, "fuck you" is the same as "hey, you" to a lot of people these days. It wasn't in the '60s and '70s.

    We're the lesser for it, too.
  6. Frank_Ridgeway

    Frank_Ridgeway Well-Known Member

    I'll give ya 5-1 it was his mom.
  7. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    I dunno ... maybe if he was a 40-year-old jackass living at home.
  8. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Well, Shot hit on something else: manners.

    You know, little things like, "Please", "Thank you" and for the 100,000 time, not "No problem".

    Holding doors for people (men or women) and conversely, saying "Thank you" to people who hold doors. Memo to you rude people who I just held the door for: I am not your personal doorman.

    Asshats who are rude to service people, receptionists and check-out clerks and act like they're somehow superior. Memo to you rude people: you're not superior, unless your name is God, Jesus, Buddha, Allah or Sid the Kid.

    Letting the elderly, the disabled or pregnant woman have your seat on the subway. Oh, and memo to students: take off your knapsacks before you get on to the subway, bus or streetcar and in the case of the latter two, move to the rear and don't block the fucking rear exit.

    Also, to you self-centred little cretins: if you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, have to have a cell phone conversation in a public place like a bar or restaurant, go outside. At the very least, tone it down by 50 decibels. Your having a cellphone doesn't make you important and no, we don't care what peeler bar you're going to.

    Zero tolerance for rude people.
  9. Football_Bat

    Football_Bat Well-Known Member


    That is all.

    Otherwise I am a man of the people.

    But I am the Marie Antoinette of beer.

    Let 'em drink Beast!
  10. Birdscribe

    Birdscribe Active Member

    Dead. On. Nails.

    Well said, JR.
  11. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    That's a good one. Though I'm kind of a two-faced golf snob: if I'm going to make the time to play, it's going to be someplace good. Yet at the same time I will bust my a@@ to somehow find a discount. I kind of treat rack-rate greens fees like full freight for hotels and flights: numbers that only the lazy pay. Of course it probably helps that I rarely play on weekends.
  12. KJIM

    KJIM Well-Known Member

    It took me awhile to come up with something. I've never been too picky about brands but let's just say my life now doesn't lend itself to snobbery. If I could find Scott's sandpaper toilet paper and generic peanut butter, my lifestyle would improve about 125 percent.

    However, being in the Peace Corps did introduce me to the thing I am now never going to give up: Chacos sandals.

    These are the absolute most comfortable sports sandals I've ever had, and since I've had lots of foot issues I'm pretty choosy about what I wear.

    I never heard of the things before and, unlike many people I don't own a lot of shoes, but I went out and got three pairs of these things, and hope to get a few more before my PC service is up. (They offer a half-off discount to volunteers.)
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