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A soon-to-be-running NBA Draft Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by nafselon, Jun 27, 2006.

  1. nafselon

    nafselon Well-Known Member

    If the rumors turn out to have legs and Rudy Gay goes number one what are some of the headlines we could see. (Toronto is a Gay Town???)

    Overall this is an interesting draft, no real superstars, but from picks 15-30 you could be a solid top 10 quality talent. There's a good set of above-average players.
  2. beefncheddar

    beefncheddar Guest

    Toronto gets the Gay
    Toronto's got the Gay
  3. DisembodiedOwlHead

    DisembodiedOwlHead Active Member

    Mariotti, Strahan have new favorite team
  4. beefncheddar

    beefncheddar Guest

    This is not going to end well.
  5. DyePack

    DyePack New Member

    Toronto picks player
  6. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    Good time had by all
  7. soccer dad

    soccer dad Guest

    id be surprised if toronto doesnt take bargnani.

    if it is the uconn forward: guillen says raptor pick is gay.
  8. Jones

    Jones Active Member

    Raptors Still Crappy: Jurassic Park No Longer Popular, Name Makes No Fucking Sense.
  9. Jack_Kerouac

    Jack_Kerouac Member

    Raptors have a Gay old time
  10. DyePack

    DyePack New Member


    We need more name changes. Like Atlanta is the Hawks. Zzzzzzzz. If they changed to the Kestrels or something like that, that would rock.

    Clippers -- that name sucks, too.
  11. Trey Beamon

    Trey Beamon Active Member

    - It's good to be Gay
    - Purple right shade for Gay
    - Gay grabs draft's pole position
    - Sidebar story (hour-by-hour timeline of player's draft experience) -- Being Gay for a Day
  12. CentralIllinoisan

    CentralIllinoisan Active Member

    My No. 1 pick ... 8)

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