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A scary picture

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Idaho, Jul 27, 2006.

  1. MGoBlue

    MGoBlue Member

    Are you surprised? English is the minority language in that town.
  2. steveu

    steveu Well-Known Member

    Sign of the times, I guess. When I was on my spring baseball trip in late March-early April, I was in Little Rock the final two days that Dallas had newspaper racks in that city. There was a notice on the box saying Friday, March 31 would be the last DMN delivered to Little Rock.

    Arkansas DG is actually a pretty fine paper for a city that size, but I was surprised to see the DMN racks. I also wasn't surprised to see the notice. Shame.
  3. Problem is, BTE, if you condition the public to expect something for free you're going to have a hard time getting them to pay for it again, even if it is just two bucks per week.
  4. SF_Express

    SF_Express Active Member

    Yeah, and that's odd on two fronts: 1) The story at the time was Baquet had to be convinced Tribune would do right by the Times before he agreed to become editor and 2) He was quoted as saying that when cutting back, they probably went too far in sports.
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