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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by TwoGloves, Jul 7, 2007.

  1. TwoGloves

    TwoGloves Well-Known Member

    If this is the "luckiest day of the century" as one of the talking heads just said on the TV news, what will 7-7-77 be?
  2. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    I'm buying 7 powerball tickets in a while.
  3. mpcincal

    mpcincal Well-Known Member

    Last night, I laid out page A1 of today's paper, 7-7-07. Our volume number, which we put at the bottom of our front page was, I kid you not, No. 77.
  4. Freelance Hack

    Freelance Hack Active Member

    7-7-77 just happens to be Chris Redman's birthday. Chances are looking better for him that if he makes the Atlanta Falcons, he'll be able to wear the No. 7 jersey this year.
  5. TyWebb

    TyWebb Well-Known Member

    My birthday is June 6, and last year my b-day fell on 6-6-06. It was one of my best birthdays ever.

    By the way, I'm Satan.
  6. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    My bday is Sept. 9. so in 1999 I partied like it was 9-9-99.
  7. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    My birthday is 5-17, so in a couple of thousand years I will party it up.
  8. markvid

    markvid Guest

    The PA Lottery shut down all sales of 777 and 7777, they reached their limit.
  9. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    One of our TV folks said it was the last time for 7-7-07 for 1,000 years.
    Now I'm stupid. I admit that. I ain't got no 174.
    But isn't July 7, 2107 - 100 years from today - 7/7/07?

    Am I wrong here?
  10. markvid

    markvid Guest

    Nope, not wrong.
  11. Breakyoself

    Breakyoself Member

    it was a TV guy that said it.
  12. EStreetJoe

    EStreetJoe Well-Known Member

    I'm trying to remember what it was last century and I can't... was it also the luckiest day of the century?
    Just think how lucky people will be feeling 5770 years from now when the date will be 7/7/7777... unless by then we're using Star-Trekesque star dates and not normal month/day/year notations for dates.
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