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5/1 LOST (yeah, spoilers, etc., etc.)

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by AgatePage, May 1, 2008.

  1. the_lorax

    the_lorax Member

    I think I love you. But it ain't happenin this year.
  2. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    Man, if they're still in contention in the division in September, I'd consider it a success.
  3. westcoastvol

    westcoastvol Active Member

    Jack on Lost = Chef on sj.
  4. Precious Roy

    Precious Roy Active Member

    I'm happy they finally paid off the "Jack's dad is Claire's dad" string, I've been waiting on that to get there for a while. Also, my wife got the aha on me when Jack talked about Sawyer still being on the island. I had the thought that they were all dead, but that kind of put it perspective.
    However, there wasn't enough of the storyline that makes the show great for me these days -- Ben and Locke.
    But they are going to give us one of those episodes next week, and I can't wait.
  5. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    Anyone else feel that the four week (or whatever it was) break really hurt the show?

    Before the break, I was pumped about each episode,and i practically had it circled in my mind as a must-watch. Now, not so much. Heck, last night I even nearly forgot it was on until 30 Rock was wrapping up.

    I still liked these two post-break episodes, but i feel that having such a layover between episodes screwed with the momentum. Luckily, the next time I see these episodes will be DVD, so it's all good.
  6. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    Maybe they are in heaven now?

    Was that new guy next week Jacob?
  7. Tripp McNeely

    Tripp McNeely Member

    If last week's episode didn't pump you up for the rest of this season, then maybe this isn't your show. ;)
  8. mustangj17

    mustangj17 Active Member

    They hinted to that earlier in the show when Claire had a vision of her dad/Jack's dad. That's the first reference in what? Two seasons?
  9. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    It's not that. I liked last week's episode and i liked this week as well. I just feel that it lost something in the time it was off. I can't pinpoint it, but it just feels like something is different. Of course, maybe it's because the first eight or so episodes were awesome and I'm Lost-d out. I don't know.

    I'm still pumped for the final couple of episodes this season though, and I love that everything's starting to mesh.
  10. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    But they wrote the line so we could read into it.

    Or in the future they could pay it off as Jack knowing he's Aaron's uncle.
  11. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Good God. Were they trying to see how much T&A they could get away with in Kate's scenes without actually showing anything? Since she got off the island and got all ungrimy, she cleans up real nice.
  12. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    Watching Kimmel with Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindoff, and other guest Terrence Howard mentioned that he auditioned for the role of Michael but didn't get it. He's done okay since.
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