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2024 NBA playoffs thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by HanSenSE, Apr 20, 2024.

  1. Hermes

    Hermes Well-Known Member

    I’m a rube from the Midwest, but I refuse to be talked down to by people with that accent.
  2. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    I do hope if the rumors are true and NBC won TNT's NBA rights, ESPN does a smart thing and hires away as many of the behind the scenes NBA people Turner has that it can. All season long ESPN has been giving us well more than enough Lebron, Stef etc and missing really underplaying at least three of the final four, who have been playing great all year. It leaves the viewer wondering, "who are these guys?" if all the NBA news they get is from ESPN. The Knicks pre-game show should have been the final straw.

    And as "iconic" as Tesh's NBA theme is - does 40-year old music really do anything for the key demo? Why go to a 70-something guy for a refresh, when there are a ton of talented DJs who could remix into something fresh?

    Last edited: May 21, 2024
    poindexter and franticscribe like this.
  3. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    I am not a huge fan of the TNT guys, but what makes them good is that they have as much time as they want to BS after a game is done. ESPN is not built that way, especially on the main channel.
  4. PCLoadLetter

    PCLoadLetter Well-Known Member

    If anyone grabs the TNT crew its going to be Amazon.
  5. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    ESPN is about ESPN. The Screamin' A walk-in and all things Knicks really was the last straw. Zero credibility.
  6. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    Was Pascal unable to raise his hands on the last contest?
  7. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    We have also devalued the Breen double bang. He’s giving it up like a nasty Catholic school girl.
    Hermes and DanielSimpsonDay like this.
  8. Deskgrunt50

    Deskgrunt50 Well-Known Member

    Rick Carlisle sucks. Foul immediately before the shot. Dumbfuck. It’s strategy 101 at this point.
    MileHigh likes this.
  9. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    Agreed, but why isn’t it an auto switch for Pascal? He was late and then kept his hands behind his back like a soccer defender who didn’t want to concede a handball.
    Deskgrunt50 likes this.
  10. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

  11. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

  12. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    As @Webster noted, they'll have plenty of time on Amazon which they won't get on the WWL or the networks. They can explain how things worked instead of just the sound bites, then clearing the decks for your late local news or other programming.

    The biggest key for the TNT crew may be chemistry. They've been together since Day One, seemingly, while it's a revolving door every season at the WWL. Take the Sunday show after the Game 7s. Went so smoothly that I didn't really notice Vince Carter was in for Shaq. There's some things that haven't worked - Players Only comes to mind instantly - but mostly it's smooth sailing. Also, would anyone dare try "Gone Fishing" or "E.J.'a Neat-o Stat of the Night?"
    Last edited: May 22, 2024
    sgreenwell and PCLoadLetter like this.
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