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Yep, no double standard here...

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by zagoshe, May 28, 2007.

  1. jimmymcd

    jimmymcd Guest

    Zag, you've nailed it.
  2. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Watch for FB & HIs Ilk crossing the Niagara River in canoes. :)
  3. Blah, blah, they're as bad as us. We should have our bigots on the radio because they have their bigots running hotels in Australia. Douyble standards! Gay people! What about Sharpton?
    Continue as necessary.
  4. GB-Hack

    GB-Hack Active Member

    Nice, except that the Outback Steakhouse chain was founded in Florida.
  5. I think he was making a funny, GB.
    Banning blacks is ILLEGAL in this country, foof, and has been since 1965.
  6. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    Banning hetreosexuals from hotels was illegal in Australia until this particular hotel won this "landmark" case in court and won the right.

    I'm just waiting for the calls to embargo and boycott all things Australia from the enlightened people on the left who are always so willing to take a stand against injustice and bigotry.....
  7. So the argument is that, because of one hotel chain in Australia, it's only a matter of time before the Public Accommodations Act is rolled back here?
    Or is it just hock-a-loogie day again at the preschool?
  8. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    No -- I'd guess that there are a bunch of hotels in San Francisco who already have this hotel's lawyer on speed dial....and the minute the first of them finds one of these "enlightened" West Coast courts to render a similar decision in their favor, the rationalization about why this is somehow more necessary and different than a hotel that wants to ban blacks or homosexuals from all of your politically correct buddies on the left will be more asinine and silly than Zeke's attempted tap dance in trying to explain why bullfighting is less inhumane than dogfighting.
  9. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    Take your pills, zagoshe.
  10. Freelance Hack

    Freelance Hack Active Member

    Don't stop him. He's on a roll.
  11. Australian law is not a precedent in US courts.
    When it happens here, get back to us.
    Now, though, instead of giving us another rendition of Teh Gay Is After Me!, I think you should organize a boycott by heterosexuals of all things Aussie -- no more Fosters, no more chasing Sheilahs at Bondi Beach, no more Sydney Swans.
    To the parapets, zag!
  12. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    Fucking hilarious...
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