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Wrath of Kahn

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Liut, Jul 12, 2011.

  1. Liut

    Liut Well-Known Member

    So it's finally official. In a shocking development, Kahn fires Rambis AFTER overtures with Lorenzo Romar and, yes, Bernie Bickerstaff. Bernie Bickerstaff? Why not just hire his son now, instead of the charade.

    I'm beginning to think the Wolves are worst run team in the NBA.

    "Beginning" was the wrong way of stating it.
  2. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    Isn't it supposed to be KAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHN!!!!!
  3. Liut

    Liut Well-Known Member

    This franchise is as sick as larvae in Chekov's ear.
  4. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    Maybe he's going to make another run at Coach K. :D
  5. spikechiquet

    spikechiquet Well-Known Member

    I've got some downtime this winter...hire me. I kicked ass during halftime...sweeping the gym floor and picking up the players towels.
  6. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    From what I've read - Rambis's offense wasn't a good fit for the players the T-Wolves now have on their roster. Still no excuse for just leaving something like that hanging.
  7. The players the T-Wolves have aren't a good fit for a roster. Keep stockpiling point guards who can't play in the league. That's the ticket to success.
  8. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    THIS is what happens when sportswriters become GMs.
  9. Killick

    Killick Well-Known Member

    Ah, interactive ads...

    At bottom of my page is "Shop long and prosper: 15% off Star Trek gear!" at Cafe Press. Now, that aside...

    Bernie Bickerstaff?!? Recycle, reuse, reduce (win total).
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