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Whitlock done all around ESPN

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by loveyabye, Sep 25, 2006.

  1. Canyonero!

    Canyonero! Member

    I just checked out ESPN and the title of Scoop's column is "being civil"??? If that's not trying to make yourself out to look like the good guy, I don't know what is.
  2. Jason --
    Simmons is a house man for the house you burned down.
    Deal with it.
  3. Rusty Shackleford

    Rusty Shackleford Active Member

    You know, I have to say -- I agree with CW's logic here. I really dislike Scoop. Have read only parts of a few of his columns -- enough to know I think they suck.

    But if that's how he writes, and how he portrays himself, and it's how he's always written and portrayed himself, then I don't see a problem.

    If you don't like him, don't read it. If enough people feel that way, and few enough read his column, espn won't waste its bandwidth with his work. But obviously somebody out there, quite a few somebodies I'd imagine, like him enough to return to read what he has to say.

    I can understand JW not liking his work, and by extension, Scoop himself. After all, your words are a window to your thoughts are a window to your soul, so somebody who says many things you dislike is probably a person you dislike. And like I said, I can't stand his columns -- I've thrown away stuff on tissues that I think could write better columns.

    It is who Scoop is, though, and if you don't like it, don't read it. But he has a right to say what he wants, in whatever variation of English he wants to say it. When few enough people care to read it, it'll go away.
  4. Cameron Frye

    Cameron Frye Member

    And we have just as much right to critize him for it.
  5. Clever username

    Clever username Active Member

    Isn't gaining and maintaining respect worth more than your job? I'd like to think it is and I get paid, like most of you here, poorly. And I'm sure Simmons has done quite well for himself at ESPN and with his book to not have to worry about loot.
  6. Canyonero!

    Canyonero! Member

    I didn't mean Scoop, I worded that poorly. I meant ESPN editors titling it to give Scoop the positive spin.
  7. I promise I'll be done with this...

    It's interesting, JW, you appointed yourself the person to teach Scoop a lesson. I truly mean this in the most respectful way, but ... who appointed you? One thing that you, for sure, have made I and others think about/wonder about/question is why we, as black folks, must have a designated spokesperson to speak for the group. The group is not monolith. So why must one approach be valued more than another? I suppose I could come around to your way of thinking if I thought you had caught and trapped a real sellout, but I just think you are a bit mistaken in this case. I'm all for open debate. Never-ever had a problem with you challenging Scoop on the NBA comparison. Very much was bothered by the "bojangles" comment and other personal attacks. But, I figure you are both grown men and what will work itself out, will work out.

    I completely am on board with your opinions on personal responsibility and I totally believe that this current black folks would rather hear what makes them comfortable as opposed to what's the truth. I just think you picked the wrong target. By the way, did you ever worry/wonder/care that you might have made Scoop more popular/recognized during this "beef" than when he was just a regular writer?

    Deportes, though, brings up an interesting point. To be honest, everything you said about Scoop, I've heard many on this board and in private say about Stephen A. Smith. I personally strongly disagree. Again, that's another person whose style is unconventional, but nevertheless effective. The same way young black bros and sis' respond to Scoop, they respond to Stephen A. So, what's the diff? People are always bothered and taken aback by what's different. And while I know I couldn't do what Scoop and Stephen do, I certainly don't begrudge what they do because they've made it work.

    Too often in this biz, we have one lever and one switch: to despise. I have learned that no one sets out to be terrible. We're all just trying to make our way. While I may prefer certain writers to others, I think it's so difficult in this business to be successful. You almost have to respect the chosen few able to reach a certain point of success. I'm not saying anyone, not Lupica, Albom, Scoop, etc., are above criticism, but there is something there to be appreciated.

    I guess I'm at a point where I'm sort of worn out from hearing writers go at one another. I'd like for it to be a community of constructive criticism, but to chill on the personal attacks. The thing is, writers are confident and insecure at the same time. So much of what is said on this board could not be handled on an individual basis. As much as people like to posture like they can handle anything, if some of the things said on this board were said to their face, it would hurt. I don't care who you are or what you've become, all of us search for a bit of acceptance.
  8. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    Loopy and The Dwarf get it, at the bank.

    That's all they deserve, at best.
  9. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    I was going to direct this to XXXX, but since you agree with him, I'll point this to both of you ... There is a monumental difference between Scoop and Stephen A., not the least of which is Stephen A.'s long history of excellent reporting in Philly.

    I'm not a fan of SAS. I feel like he's yelling at me for no reason. But he's an engaging personality for TV (you love him or hate him) and if you can get through the delivery, he usually brings good insight and information to the broadcast (not on Quite Frankly, but on the NBA stuff). His print work is leaps and bounds better.

    Scoop is telling black students that they have a better chance to make it to the NBA than to become writers and he's presenting -- and defending -- it as FACT. Scoop's writing style barely qualifies as English and his arguments are rarely more than simplistic takes on race.

    Please, folks. Don't ever compare Scoop with SAS. It's embarrassing.
  10. Sportsbruh

    Sportsbruh Member

    Lets look at the Winners and Losers - ANALYTICALLY.

    Jason Whitlock was a regular on:

    The SportReporters
    Pardon the Interruption (Guest Host)
    Rome is Burning (Guest Host)
    Page 2.

    and a few other segments on ESPN including Sportcenter and Behind the Lines.

    I'd say Mr. Whitlock was a valued employee of ESPN. They REALLY liked him and respected his opinons and analysis. Now all of those things are GONE! Mr. Whitlock has now reduced himself to commoner status and is now on messageboards defending his beliefs regarding a "Beef" HE created.

    The MOST egregious thing about all of this is that Mr. Whitlock TRIED to get Scoop Fired. A very disturbing thing, since it's always been hard for a Bruh to get a decent job.

    Scoop Jackson wins!

    Not only does Scoop wins in a Landslide, but Scoop has now raised his Star Power because a Beef ALWAYS get you more "street cred". Coupled with the fact that his retort to Mr. Whitlock is the Most emailed article on Espn, he's looking more and more like the victim of a personal attack from a Big Bully.

    Mr. Whitlock doesn't see it now. (he's too busy pointing out the differences in himself and Scoop). Yet in a few years when he look up from his couch and channel surf past ESPN - Scoop Jackson will still be highly visible and the NEW Highly valued employee of ESPN with Rockstar Status and Mr. Whitlock will be the Hasbeen that nobody wants to be around.
  11. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    Thanks for stopping by, Scoop.
  12. Jesus, that might be the worst First Post in the history of this board.
    That might be, yes, the Charmion!
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