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What the hell kinda drunk are you?/Favorite Shot

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Write-brained, May 11, 2007.


Are you a:

  1. Happy Drunk

  2. Mean Drunk

    0 vote(s)
  3. Sloppy Drunk

  4. Horny Drunk

  5. Depressed Drunk

  6. Goofy Drunk

  7. Nonstop talking Drunk

  8. Swing Shit Wide Open (Wicked) Drunk

  9. Quiet Drunk

  10. Post on Message Board Drunk

  1. D-3 Fan

    D-3 Fan Well-Known Member

    If they are Irish, then I'm game. The only two shots I can do are Jagerbombs and Jose Cuervo straight up. Any shots with the names of Sex on the Beach, Dirty Slut, or anything like that, I'm leery of.

    Then I follow each shot with a martini or a wine. Beer makes me hurl after a night of revelry.

    Oh by the way, can we amend "quiet drunk" to the list? I like to drink, but I would rather listen to all of the other drunks make asses of themselves as I quietly down a fourth glass of Riesling.
  2. Done. I mistakenly considered that to be 'depressed' but I now see my error.
  3. Clever username

    Clever username Active Member

    I'll take one of these any day of the week (it's a shot, too, but I prefer the drink):

    Red Death

    1 oz Vodka
    1 oz Southern Comfort
    1 oz Amaretto
    1/2 oz Sloe gin
    1/2 oz Triple sec
    Fill with Sprite
    1 dash Lime juice
  4. D-3 Fan

    D-3 Fan Well-Known Member

    You can keep "depressed drunk" on the list as well. That's the drunk who's so depressed about his/her situation (getting dumped, dog dies, you lose your corner office for a cubicle), he's content to drink depressed and enjoy it.

    A quiet drunk, IMO, is someone who likes to drink and watch everyone else get drunk, while he's getting drunk as well. I have so much dirt on my friends when they get drunk, I have a hard time trying to remember it a day later after I recover!
  5. PhilaYank36

    PhilaYank36 Guest

    I'm seriously all over the map. Most of the time, "Krazy M***" is unleashed on the world, and you'll see an in-shape, shirtless white male running around with a lamp-shade on his head and trying to do a BAD Scottish accent, even though there isn't an ioda of Gaelic blood in my body. But, if I'm not up to snuff, I am not a person to be trifled with.

    Never been in a bar fight drunk, but the lone "brawl" I was in was pretty one-sided. One night when I was the DD, some ridiculously drunk idiot was talking shit within an inch of my face for about 15 minutes while I was sitting at the bar when he made the fatal mistake of taking the hat off my head and throwing it. So I simply took him by the neck and threw him into the nearest wall. He needed three stitches and despite being thrown out, I still got my hat back. I snapped b/c it was mid-terms and in the middle of the Great Yankee Collapse. I was considerably on-edge.

    And yes, I realize this is just someone posting on an anonymous Internet message board.
  6. Speaking of, I just added "Posting on Message Board Drunk." That way we'll know when Angola logs on. :D

    Of course, I'm eligible now.
  7. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    My favorite shot is a red-headed slut, which consists of Jager, peach schnapps and cranberry juice.
  8. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    Come on... no one can start idiotic polls like JDV...
  9. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    Yea, I like those and blowjobs, but flaming lemondrops are my favorite.
  10. Clever username

    Clever username Active Member

    Gatorade would be good right about now.
  11. PhilaYank36

    PhilaYank36 Guest

    When I'm in a groove (read: incredibly shit-faced), I just crack open a bottle of Tanqueray and start doing shots. The most I did in one night was eight. That was fun.
  12. amraeder

    amraeder Well-Known Member

    Favorite Shot: Liquid Cocaine (Madison version. They don't know how to make anything right in Ann Arbor). Consists of Jegermister, Goldschlager (however you spell it), and Rumplemintz.
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