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"Various Things That Piss You Off" rolling thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by RokSki, Jan 28, 2007.

  1. alleyallen

    alleyallen Guest

    * Those billboards where God is supposedly talking to his flock ("What part of 'No' didn't you understand." ...uhm, the no part).

    * College professors who make students read aloud from the textbook. I graduated second grade, I know how to read, you clod. I'm not going to do it out loud, just because you're too lazy to lecture.

    * Having to let my son go back to my ex-wife, especially when he says, "I don't want it to be mommy's turn. I want it to be daddy's turn."

    * People who get on the interstate at a snail's pace, slowing down the flow of other cars, only to get off at the very next exit! Just stay on the f-ing feeder road you gimps!
  2. kingcreole

    kingcreole Active Member

    1. Not getting child support for months when my daughter's father (the assfuck that he is) can afford it twice over.

    2. George W. Bush

    3. People who like SportsCenter

    4. People who pronounce Missouri Missouruh

    5. People who are in love with themselves (Whitlock, JDV, whatever)

    6. People who cheer in press boxes

    7. Me (my wife wanted to contribute to my list)

    8. Used-car salesmen

    9. The tech people ("Did you restart it?" YES I FUCKING RESTARTED IT)

    10. Parents who don't know the first thing about parenting.
  3. Mark McGwire

    Mark McGwire Member

    Baseball writers.
  4. kingcreole

    kingcreole Active Member

  5. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    Nice touch, creole.
  6. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    All forms of incivility.
  7. Cadet

    Cadet Guest

    SUVs in parking garages.
    Parents who have strollers the size of SUVs.
    Sorority girls.
    Guys who think girls don't know anything about sports.
    Drivers who don't turn off their brights at night.
  8. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest


    Specifically, the gel-haired, Hollister T-shirt wearing, Bud Light swilling morons who infest them in this college town.
  9. writing irish

    writing irish Active Member

    They'd be wearing Spuds Mackenzie t-shirts if it was 1987.

    Fuck off, Spuds. Almost two decades later, you still suck.

  10. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    And don't forget them asking, what did you do to it?

    People who don't use turn signals while driving, those people get me every time.
  11. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry, but Spuds McKenzie rawked. Anyhoo:

    --When people will talk on and on without taking a breath.
    --When people try to hide their true intentions in happyspeak.
    --Inattentive bartenders.
  12. Herbert Anchovy

    Herbert Anchovy Active Member

    All sorts of shit, but, lately, people who snap bubble gum or talk on their toy phones at nicer restaurants.
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