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Too much...

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by mudduck, Oct 1, 2009.

  1. mudduck

    mudduck New Member

    Drinking heavily? Sounds like an idea, hahaha.

    O-T, I've been looking up at the Heavens for a while now and telling the Lord that I am nowhere as strong as He seems to think I am.

    He's not listening. :(

    I've never been one to ask for help - probably a major fail on my part, but that's how I've always been. And probably why I'm posting this under my alter ego.

    That and I absolutely abhor that I sound like I'm whining.

    Thanks everyone for your input, it's very much appreciated, more than you realize.
  2. Gomer

    Gomer Active Member

    Don't call it whining. It's venting. Whining is something you do for attention's sake.

    Kudos on you for being brave enough to admit you're having problems. That alone suggests you'll be OK in the long run.
  3. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Gomer is right. It's not whining and SportsJournalists.com is a good place to vent.

    I will echo the others that said you should try to streamline a bit, find a way to take some of the pressure off, even if you only do it for a day or so.
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