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the anti-Whitlock

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by henryhenry, Oct 26, 2006.

  1. greenie

    greenie Member

    I don't think Stupid is that poster's real name.
  2. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    I think there are just as many--probably more--'high-profile' entities who do not use their real names.

    To re-paraphrase DDown's excellent paraphrase of my theory....This is, after all, an anonymous message board. To denigrate it for not being more than that is just strange. It's like ripping Target for not selling Armani suits. You knew what it was when you walked in the door.

    With absolutely no disrespect to anyone who posts under his or her own name, I have great great love for the major stars in the biz who choose to not use their real names here, not for their own protection, but because it would be too easy. It takes a cool ego to know you could slam dunk on a thread by sheer force of your name and reputation, but instead allow others to call you a 6th grade asswipe. THAT is the beauty of this joint.

    And yet...I also think whitlock is one of the greatest additions to this site in a long long time. The man puts it out there and stirs it up and actually talks about the business, which is a helluva lot more than you can say about plenty of the folks here who rip him for whatever reason. But I do wish he'd stop looking for the Porsche engine under the hood of this very serviceable Ford. It's just not here.
  3. Mystery_Meat

    Mystery_Meat Guest

    wouldn't an anti-whitlock be a 5-0 redhead girl?
  4. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    if i may inject: one of the folks i respect most in this biz is dave kindred. without being a dick -- honestly -- i've been reading the guy since i've been a young man and have enjoyed the hell out of him for many years.
    dave has some great things to say here, but, at the same time, i have to believe he'd dazzle with much more indepth insight if he used a handle instead.
  5. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    So if I dyed my hair, I'd be the anti-Whitlock? That's wrong on sooooooooooooo many levels.
  6. Clever username

    Clever username Active Member

    So should I not create a fake account with the username of Scoop_Jackson just so I can fuck with everybody?
  7. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    No. Clever username is ... clever. ;)

    And 21 ... if that IS your real name ... great post.
  8. Dave Kindred

    Dave Kindred Member

    Thanks, Tom Petty, sort of....but who knows, maybe I'm also on the board as a wicked bad speller, a teevee p.a., and/or a dyspeptic copy editor. ;)
  9. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    That is so hot.
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