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Suns-Spurs suspensions

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by MileHigh, May 15, 2007.

  1. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member


    and this started it all
  2. PhilaYank36

    PhilaYank36 Guest

    I know we all like to dump on Bill Simmons, but I think he did a good job on breaking down the ridiculousness of this whole situation in his latest column:


    Yes, he likes to take the scenic, country back-road route to the point while we're screamin' at him to take the interstate and there is also the whiny, Celtic homer element, but I think he brings up a lot of valid points in his argument. Plus, you gotta give him some love when he makes a disparraging comment about the WWL.
  3. PCLoadLetter

    PCLoadLetter Well-Known Member

    Correct - one game for the foul, one game for the forearm.
  4. Boobie Miles

    Boobie Miles Active Member

    Horry got two games. And it was a bush league play, but there are just as nasty plays in every series. Davis' elbow to Fisher and Richardson's clothesline of Okur were just as bad, IMO. This was just more of the perfect storm: had been lot's of talk about Spurs dirty play, league golden boy got hit, Suns star player leaves bench, etc. If you really watch the hit again it wasn't THAT bad. Don't get me wrong, he deserved what he got, but it was far from teh worst thing I've ever seen.
  5. beefncheddar

    beefncheddar Guest

    Horry's blast of Nash wasn't even in the Top 5 of nastiest plays in the second round.
  6. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Who cares.

    It was blatant. It was purposeful. It was a cheap shot.

    Horry deserves a suspension.
  7. beefncheddar

    beefncheddar Guest

    Um, OK. He did get one, you might have heard.
  8. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Your post made it seem like his hit wasn't that big of a deal.
  9. Mmac

    Mmac Guest

    I agree, I've been one of those who's bashed Simmons recently, but I thought this was the best piece of writing I've seen from him in a long time. Simmons has always been at his best when he's doing the NBA, and his breakdown of this issue was dead on.
  10. Boobie Miles

    Boobie Miles Active Member

    To jump in, it's not THAT big of a deal. I honestly think Davis' elbow to Fisher was nastier. He's getting two games, that's no slap on the wrist. It probably would have been one if not for the need for it to be longer than the PHX players who stepped on the court. He got what he deserved, but what Horry did was not as bad as it's been made to be.
  11. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    I'm officially done with the NBA after tonight's game. Done. Will not watch the finals. Will not watch Game 6 on Friday. Don't care. Stern has fucked the Suns out of a chance at the finals. And you will not convince me otherwise. Enjoy your Utah-New Jersey finals, you piece of shit.
  12. WS

    WS Member

    I'd rather see Utah and New Jersey than the team that whines more than anyone else in the league.

    Was glad to see Bell take a flop and Ginobili get called for it. I've hated him more than any other NBA player for the past few years because he acts like a little bitch all the time, every time a call doesn't go his way or he doesn't get a call.
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