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Sports writer job in Indiana

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by TSPsport, May 22, 2007.

  1. MadDog2020Terp

    MadDog2020Terp New Member

    This is so true, being someone who moved to Indiana from Maryland. It's just weird if you are not used to it. On the East Coast, there is always something. You drive through towns. In Indiana, there is a town, then 10-20 miles of farmland to the next town. Really strange. The Indy area is an exception, though. I enjoyed Carmel, Columbus, etc.
  2. HoosierLoser

    HoosierLoser Member

    One word: Gannett.

    Dead on. I worked in the StarPress sports department a few months after the takeover and watched two part-time positions never get filled. We would cover every home prep boys basketball and football game. When I left, my part-time position was never filled. So I think they're down to the SE, an ASE, Ball State guru Z and a prep writer. Then again, that was six years ago.
  3. Danny Noonan

    Danny Noonan Member

    You got that right. Indy was always called "India-no-place" in the days before it had no pro sports teams and just the 500.

    My family lived once in Odon and Mitchell, and I spent the early years of my life in Bloomington. Lot of open country, but a great state and people.
  4. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Am I reading this wrong or does this mean there are two positions open at this paper?

    I'm a grad student at Ball State and two of my professors have ripped on the Star Press for being too sensationalistic. They cited a few reasons why. Something about a guy arrested from whacking off in public.
  5. ogre

    ogre Member

    Whacking off in public? That is sensational.
  6. 0-fer

    0-fer Member

    Any word on how soon they want to fill this/these positions?
  7. NDub

    NDub Guest

    I'm just going on what they said. I don't read the paper daily so I won't say anything about sensationalism. I do know that one of my profs is quite critical (as evidenced by my grade in his class) so he could just be nit-picking.

    I know there are some decent high schools in the area, especially volleyball. Muncie Burris has won 10 straight state titles. Basketball scene is pretty good, too. I think Muncie Central boys were state runner-up in 2006. They do some Colts stuff, too.
  8. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    This is the paper that ran about 500 mug shots of sex offenders on the front page one day. Made national news doing it.
  9. OnTheRiver

    OnTheRiver Active Member

    The Ivory Tower Occupants taking a shot at the people working in the real world? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.

    Sounds like the jerkwads I had as instructors in college.
  10. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Ha. Yeah, as I mentioned, one of them is quite critical. He'd drop an insult or two per class. The other professor only complained a few times. They probably just want to be heard.

    So back to the paper/job....
  11. Mystery_Meat

    Mystery_Meat Guest

    If it has anything to do with the whacking off story, I don't plan on visiting the Ivory Tower any time soon ...
  12. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    Those were the jerkwad instructors I had in college.

    (They weren't all jerkwads, but some of them were off the charts jerkwad)
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