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Sports Editor, West Point, Ms.

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by boots, Jun 11, 2006.

  1. boots

    boots New Member

    The Daily Times Leader, a daily Horizon Publications newspaper, is seeking an sports editor with the vision, skill, passion and leadership to help make our good sports coverage great. The Daily Times Leader circulates throughout Clay County, a place where college and high school football is practically a religion. That passion spills over into each community’s other prep sports, making for a primed readership that is always hungry for local sports coverage. In addition to prep sports, we cover Mississippi State University and other SEC schools. The sports editor reponsibilities include copy editing, writing headlines and cutlines, compiling round-ups and laying out pages. We are seeking someone with appropriate experience. Pay and benefits are competitive. Please send a resume, references, salary requirements, clips and/or tearsheets to Don Norman, Publisher, Starkville Daily News. P.O. Box 1068, Starkville, Ms. 39760, or e- mail:sdnpub@starkvilledailaynews.com or fax (662)324-8092.
  2. Blitz

    Blitz Active Member

    You'd be in a major college pressbox every Saturday in the fall and at courtside for the same schools in the winter.
    Baseball at your coverage schools (Ole Miss and State) is perennially big-time so that'd be a place to network with other writers.
    The last few eds here have been greenhorns, per se, but have done excellent work.
    Each had chances to move up to a more lucrative job if they chose to.
    The high school team there won the 4A state title this past season. Good public school football in that town, though you'd also have to cover the token academy in the area.
    And then are Old Waverly and the MSU Golf Course -- two beautiful tracks which are well-kept and challenging.
    Old Waverly hosted the U.S. Women's Open five years ago and is immaculate.
    (Sports eds can play there a wee-bit cheaper than the average joe, once you meet the people who run it.)
    %% And I think there might be a typo in the e-mail address.
    It says @starkvilledailaynews,
    Delete that last "a", and check this job out.
    It's not a bad gig. I was in that chain earlier in my career.
    Pay is regular and they try to get the paper to press early and on time. You'd have some quality free time with this one. To chase features or do whatever.
    Not a bad gig at all.
  3. BudMan

    BudMan Member

    If you are sports editor in West Point, you might occasionally cover a Mississippi State home game, but you will never go to an Ole Miss game (unless you have a ticket). And West Point's deadlines are so early that you could rarely get a night game in the paper anyway. Mostly you will be doing high schools, with an occasional juco game, plus running pictures of the participants in the local women's golf association tourney and lots and lots of pictures of Little League teams. This paper doesn't even use AP photos. The reason the last few sports editors have been green is because they couldn't afford to hire anybody else. (Heck, a few years ago they hired an executive editor who had only been out of college for two years.) If you're looking for a job straight out of school, go for it. If you have any experience at all, you can do a lot better.
  4. Terd Ferguson

    Terd Ferguson Member

    I see long hours and low pay on your Horizon if you take this job [/lame, I know].
    Seriously, Horizon isn't a company interested in paying its employees well. Unless things have changed, they operate on some sort of sliding OT scale which pays you less for each hour over 40 you work. I never quite understood how that would work, but apparently it's legal. It also really sucks. Uh, or so I've heard.
    I never worked in West Point, so I can't speak for this job in particular. It probably wouldn't be a terrible job for somebody just starting out, especially if you get some SEC coverage experience. Just be careful. Be sure to ask them about the OT policy.
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