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Sports Editor, Jackson, Tenn.

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by Calvin Hobbes, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. Yawn

    Yawn New Member

    They had one or two turn it down three years ago, and one that memoed me and said he's glad they turned him down again. Said something about the atmosphere was a concern the first time around. Seems to be that way - again. No one makes a lateral move like the guy did who left unless he's running.
  2. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    I've said the past that there's something screwy at this paper. I know for a fact that nobody got along and they all badmouthed each other when I interviewed there.
  3. Yawn

    Yawn New Member

    Just got it from another source this morning: Stay. Away. From. This. Slopjar.
  4. Why hire an SE when the skeleton crew that's already there can put out the paper everyday? Man this sounds familiar. If you screw up while you're understaffed, you get the blame. If you manage to put out a halfway decent product -- or just a product -- the higher ups figure "Why do we need to hire anybody else?"

    At another slightly larger Gannett paper where I worked, it took them six months to hire a new sports editor. During those six months desk guys worked 10-12 days in a row. Writers rarely got two days off in a row or worked split shifts. It was horrible.
  5. Riddick

    Riddick Active Member

    Knowing that the staff there reads this board, I can only feel sorry for them.
  6. Rusty Shackleford

    Rusty Shackleford Active Member

    How could they be bored if they're so busy? Haha! Zing!
  7. Buckeye12

    Buckeye12 Member

    I've only been on this site about a year, and this job has been posted the most often, by far, of any job I've seen out there. Any veteran of this board already knows to stay far, far away.
    I don't know anyone there, but this situation poses a revealing scenario about the administration in place at this newspaper. I feel for this sports staff.
  8. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    I see your Jackson and raise you Abilene. And what's the paper in Virgnia that has the big, stay away warning light? Is it Martinsville?
  9. thegrifter

    thegrifter Member

    I think Jackson beats out Abilene. Abilene keeps filling the job and people leave.
    Jackson can't even get anybody to say yes.
  10. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    Martinsville is the winner of the futility contest.
  11. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    Yawn and I agree on this job. That should really tell you all you need to know.
  12. thegrifter

    thegrifter Member

    Did they ever fill this one? I saw on the Gannett site that it wasn't posted as an opening anymore.
    I'm betting they just gave up.
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