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Sports designer, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by The Duke, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. The Duke

    The Duke Member

    ad posted on snd, but no details.
    what gives?
    Only contact info below:

    Jonathan Boho
    Sports Presentation Editor
    South Florida Sun-Sentinel
    200 East Las Olas Blvd.
    Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
  2. Smokey33

    Smokey33 Member

    The SND board has some kind of glitch where it removes job details on its own.
  3. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Probably some kind of virus that DyePack sent them.
  4. DyePack

    DyePack New Member

    Yeah, that last one was particularly effective.
  5. MCEchan36

    MCEchan36 Guest

    Is Mr. Boho the guy I'd want to send a resume to for any writing positions? I'm trying to find a baseball beat somewhere, and the Florida State League usually has a lot of good talent that goes through.
  6. DyePack

    DyePack New Member

    Signs point to no.
  7. Gator

    Gator Well-Known Member

    when was this first posted? and what is the company this paper is owned by? thanks.
  8. GeorgeScott

    GeorgeScott Member

    Sentinel is a Tribune paper. Lots of space but a pretty dated look. They do a lot of design that was big 8 or 10 years ago. Needs some more subtlety to it. Good sports section and some good writing, but for all they space they have they don't use it properly. For writing jobs, contact SE Brian White.
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