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So who is watching CBS Evening News tonight?

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Idaho, Sep 5, 2006.

  1. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    Anyone notice after she signed off, and they're rolling the credits. She just HAD to sit on the desk and show off the legs.
  2. bagelchick

    bagelchick Active Member

    Generally, I like Katie Couric. I thought she was a little stiff last night, but I figure she had to be nervous. I'm not an evening news watcher, but am a news junkie, preferrably the newspaper, followed by the Internet. I thought the white jacket she wore was a poor choice. I thought the format of the show was pretty good, but since I don't watch, I'm not sure how new it was. I will probably watch all week (well, I'll TiVo it and watch it later). I thought the last human interest story about the orphans in Nicaragua was well-done. I thought the Vanity Fair cover "get" was HUGE, and it didn't bother me that it was in the news vs. on Entertainment Tonight.

    My jury is still out, but I'll probably watch for a few weeks at least.
  3. HejiraHenry

    HejiraHenry Well-Known Member

    Okay, so I did. ... The first broadcast tended to underscore the weakness of the 30-minute newscast format, because anything you spend valuable broadcast time on had better be valuable. Suri Cruise photos? That damnfool signoff thing at the end? I don't think so.

    The all-too-predictable interview segment with T. Friedman felt like an outtake from a Today show.

    I like the idea of the Free Speech segment. I'll probably make it my life's (new) work to get on there.

    Will I watch again? Yes, because Uncle Rush will be on Thursday night. After that, not so much.
  4. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    Can't wait for the Father Coughliin of our time to say something stupid, tonight.
  5. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    I learned a long time ago the news is the same on all three networks.
  6. MGoBlue

    MGoBlue Member

    CBS has a news show? I thought it was CBS Evening Opinion? It certainly isn't fair and balanced.
  7. Gold

    Gold Active Member

    It's going to take a month to hit the stride and before a reasonable judgment can be made.

    I think the free speech segment is not a good idea. I saw Morgan Spurlock, and while I enjoyed his Supersize Me and have liked him in interviews, his commentary was pablum. On that spot, it's a network news commentary and people who are regulars are going to tone down what they say. Rush Limbaugh isn't going to give you any outrageous stuff like he does on the radio... he's going to come with a nice suit and haircut and spout job interview type cliches. Ol' Rush failed on his two shots on television, and that is because he is a fraud which the camera exposed.
  8. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    Just because someone has different political and social views than you doesn't make him a fraud.
    Just makes him someone with whom you disagree.
  9. Gold

    Gold Active Member

    He's a fraud because he's a suck up to Republican administration.

    He's a fraud because he doesn't generate any information on his own, he reads the newspapers.

    He's a fraud because he calls what he does news and almost never interviews anybody on his show.

    He's a fraud because when people call him on his factual errors, he says what he does was like what Will Rogers does.

    He's a fraud because he has no idea about what Will Rogers does.

    He's a fraud because he wants no mercy for non-violent drug offenders, but cuts a deal which keeps him out of jail after he involves other people to keep his pills coming.

    He's a fraud because he acts like he knows the NFL and gets an ESPN job, when at least 100 people would have been more qualified and provided football fans a lot more. If there was nothing else except his performance with ESPN, that would merit him being called as a fraud.

    Rush Limbaugh = fraud.
  10. Gold

    Gold Active Member

    I disagree with William Safire, but I have respect for his writing and I thought he provided insight.

    Rush Limbaugh is a carnival barker selling magic elixir. I've called TJ Simers a fraud - that's not a popular opinion but it's my opinion and I think I can back it up.
  11. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    1. Do you expect Al Franken not to suck up to Democrats?

    2. Now you guys are ripping Republicans because they read newspapers and are well-informed. When George Bush said he didn't read the papers (but does read daily intelligence reports that contain better information than you could get in the Post or the Times), he was ripped.

    3. It's his show. He's got the highest ratings in radio and if he doesn't want to interview anyone, that's his choice. I'm sure his sponsors don't factor that in when they see the quarterly ratings books.

    4. Everyone makes mistakes. The liberal media certainly did on the Plame Affair. But what some of you call mistakes on the part of Rush are simply stands on issues with which you don't agree.

    5. I'm pretty sure Rush knows who Will Rogers was.

    6. Getting addicted to Oxycotin is a bit different than getting addicted to crack. At least Oxycotin is legal under a doctor's prescription. Sure, he violated the law in that regard, and admitted it, and justice was rendered. But there are no circumstances under which drugs such as crack cocaine, etc. are legal. He also admitted his mistake and got treatment.

    7. Rush knows more about the NFL than 80 percent of the idiot former jocks clogging up studios and broadcast booths.
  12. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    And yes, I agree that Rush is a carnival barker selling something. It's his gig. He makes lots of money for it. People listen and sponsors advertise. Is this a great country, or what?
    He might not even believe half of what he says, but it sells. I don't think he has half the power some of you people think he has. You simply want anyone that doesn't toe the liberal line off the airwaves.
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