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So I Need A Computer

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by icoverbucks, Sep 9, 2011.

  1. flexmaster33

    flexmaster33 Well-Known Member

    That is for sure 2under...yes, keep receipts on all of this
  2. TheHacker

    TheHacker Member

    Assuming you've got a steady amount of freelance (1099) income you can write off the cost of the computer. A tax expert will tell you that the computer needs to be used only for work purposes in order for you to write it off. How the IRS would prove otherwise if they questioned you on it, I don't know.

    I had a good experience buying through HP's website. They let you customize it and add the stuff you want. You'll probably pay less that way than you would at Best Buy.
  3. Cubbiebum

    Cubbiebum Member

    That isn't true actually. Best Buy sells laptops at a near loss because they know many will buy other stuff with them. Office Depot and Staples don't do this as much but occasionally they will on a certain model. If you can find a laptop at Best Buy that meets what you need it is the cheapest you will find it. Going through HP's website, and Dell's for that matter, doesn't get you the big discount but does allow you to customize it to be exactly what you want.

    That is the difference. Buying through a Best Buy gives you a hefty discount but in all likelihood you only get 70% of what you want.
  4. Stitch

    Stitch Active Member

    The profit margin on the hardware in big-box stores is why your nagged to death about buying the store's extended warranty plan.
  5. FileNotFound

    FileNotFound Well-Known Member

    I am a die-hard, dedicated Mac user. I would never buy one with my own money. Get a Dell, and don't spend more than $700.
  6. WTFünke

    WTFünke Member

    Before you make a purchase, I'd recommend checking out TigerDirect.com. It's always worked for me, and their prices are much lower than Best Buy.

    Bought my last two laptops from there ...
  7. TheHacker

    TheHacker Member

    I was going to buy at Best Buy when I was in the market last year, but I found that I got more computer (more memory, faster processor) by going through HP. Best Buy wanted the same money for PCs with lesser specs. Same was true when I guided my parents through buying a new computer over the summer. Which was a nightmare. Working with retirees on any technology purchase requires much beer.
  8. Cubbiebum

    Cubbiebum Member

    That is why I quit Office Depot after 4 months. If you sold a laptop but no printer or warranty that was seen as a major negative. I felt wrong pushing a vastly over priced warranty on people who were just looking for a cheap laptop for simple use at home.

    Oh and never trust the salesman. They make commission off the warranties. It was 10 percent at Office Depot and often led to 300-400 a month for myself and my co-workers.
  9. icoverbucks

    icoverbucks Member

    Thank you all for the suggestions. I will file all of this away. I figured I would go to the experts and get the answers I needed. Will also report what I find/decide
  10. PCLoadLetter

    PCLoadLetter Well-Known Member

    I was just at Costco looking at laptops, and there were several that would easily match your requirements that were all around $600 - $700.

    From personal experience I would recommend HP or Toshiba and wouldn't go near a Dell.
  11. Bob Crotchet

    Bob Crotchet Member

    If you're just editing photos for the Web, then yeah, you don't need a top-of-the-line monster. And despite the size, take a look at the models with 17.3-inch screens. Bigger screens are always useful in photo editing. There are always tradeoffs.

    Check reviews at tech sites before you buy.

    Also give newegg.com a look. And for daily deals, techbargains.com, bensbargains.net and slickdeals.net.

    I've had good luck with Toshibas, but really, these days it's a crapshoot.

    Here's something to read, and it's pretty fresh: http://reviews.cnet.com/best-budget-laptops/?tag=

    And: http://reviews.cnet.com/2733-3121_7-574-1.html?tag=
  12. SpeedTchr

    SpeedTchr Well-Known Member

    I have had great luck with my Samsung RV511. It has taken a beating on the road with flights, outdoor work, all that fun stuff related to covering sports. Nice size, but not super-heavy. Beautiful screen, too, and runs complex software well. Beats the hell out of my MacBook Pro for almost everything, and was a quarter the price.
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