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So how's your tab coming?

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by bumpy mcgee, Aug 17, 2009.

  1. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    Jesus Christ. How do you fill 120 pages?
  2. EE94

    EE94 Guest

    who would possibly want to read 120 pages?

    As the new ESPN ombud said, isn't that why God invented editors? To sort the wheat from the chaff, rather than throwing everything into a bin and hoping it turns into bread
  3. apeman33

    apeman33 Well-Known Member

    Just heard from the head of ad sales. Sounds like no tab this year due to poor sales. It may end up being four pages at regular size in the regular edition. They'll probably be in the middle so readers can pull them out.
  4. pressboxer

    pressboxer Active Member

    We cover about 75 high schools and six colleges. It tends to add up.

    Last year's tab was 144 pages because we included some NFL and D-I college (there's a possibility that the three big state schools could all start quarterbacks from our coverage area this year).
  5. Den1983

    Den1983 Active Member

    I was just told that our tab, which goes to press next Thursday, will be as many as 12 pages. That's half of what it was last year.

    I was also told that it's possible there are as few as eight.

    We cover 10 teams, seven local and three area. No matter which way, coverage in this year's tab will be tight.
  6. FuturaBold

    FuturaBold Member

    We hustled together a 16-page tab for our five high schools in about a week and a half (after me thinking most of the summer that we might not have one at all) ... I feel pretty good about it overall, considering our biggest football tabs traditionally have been 20 to 24 pages ... our ad staff really got after it in the short amount of time, exceeding goals, which was nice ...
  7. BigJim5190

    BigJim5190 Member

    Anyone putting together a tab trade this year? I loved how it worked out last year. I loved stealing looking at how each paper was laid out and what content they used.
  8. JakeandElwood

    JakeandElwood Well-Known Member

    How's yours coming along, bumpy?
  9. pressboxer

    pressboxer Active Member

  10. redsox99

    redsox99 Member

    Our deadline is tomorrow and again our ad staff appears to have topped their sales goal for the fifth straight year since I've been here with more than 2,000 inches. We do a broadsheet 4-section run. Generally it's 48 pages (12-12-12-12). We slightly tweaked our format this year because of fewer reporters. We did not do big features on each of the 4A and smaller schools, but instead did gigantic breakouts, notes, rosters, projected starting lineups, etc. We still got team photos of every team (22) in the section and we still take mugs of every player on the varsity for use throughout the season (and for those who get arrested for DUI in a couple of years). If anyone wants a copy of the section, I'd love to do an exchange. Just PM me and we'll get one mailed to you after it prints next Thursday night. Publication date for ours is the 30th.
  11. My deadline for copy is tomorrow and I have to have as many as 17 schools covered (since we're still not sure one will play). It's not easy, but it's coming okay.
  12. BigJim5190

    BigJim5190 Member

    Thanks pressboxer, I totally whiffed on seeing that thread.
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