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Since I know you all love a reason to bash ESPN....

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by bp6316, Apr 30, 2007.

  1. bp6316

    bp6316 Member

    A minor, largely unnoticed error in the ESPN.com game summary for the Rockies-Braves game last night:


    • Hero: Brandon Hawpe was 2-for-4 with a home run, two RBIs and scored twice for Colorado.


    Now, I recall Brad Hawpe being called lots of things other than his real name of Brad while we were at LSU, but not Brandon. I'm sure he loves the Worldwide Leader recognized him as the hero of the game. The least they could do is get his name right though! Lazy interns.

    As a side note: Why are ESPN.com baseball game summaries presented by MSNBC? Seems strange. It'd be like USA Today putting a nice ad in for the N.Y. Times. Oh well.
  2. jakewriter82

    jakewriter82 Active Member

    Brad Hawpe, Brandon Hawpe, ESPN doesn't care.
    A large majority of the people watching dosen't either. I'm sure Brad does, though.
    What else was he called at LSU?
  3. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    He deserves to have his name spelled right. He works just as hard as everyone else, dammit!
  4. bp6316

    bp6316 Member

    Oh he had plenty of locker room/campus nicknames that aren't suitable for ESPN I assure you.
  5. fishwrapper

    fishwrapper Active Member

    Oh, C'mon.
    You guys are really going there?
    Have you ever read the For the Records of the N.Y. Times, Washington Post or the L.A. Times?
    Yeah, it's just ESPN that screws up a name. I fuck something up on a daily basis. I just pray it is caught.
  6. fishwrapper

    fishwrapper Active Member


    Corrections: For the Record

    Published: April 30, 2007
    An article last Monday about the prosecution of an American business executive in Kazakhstan on charges he stole $40,000 from his company omitted the company’s name and misidentified its owners. The company is Arna Inc., and it is owned by GIMV, a Belgian investment company; the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; and Murat Zhunussov, a Kazakh investor. Arna is not a Kazakhstan subsidiary of Golden Telecom, a Moscow-based Internet and telecommunications company. (Go to Article)


    A front page article Friday on the resignation of Marilee Jones, M.I.T.’s dean of admissions, misidentified Leslie Perelman, a faculty member who commented on her resignation. He is the director of Writing Across the Curriculum at M.I.T., not the director of the M.I.T. program in writing and humanistic studies. (Go to Article)


    A picture caption Friday with a front-page article about fear among Pakistanis in Lodi, Calif., after the arrest last year of two local men on terrorism charges misstated the name of a boy pictured with Raheela Hayat, whose brother, Hamid Hayat, was found guilty in the case. He is Jalal Hashim Usman, not Hamid. In some copies, the caption misstated the boy’s relationship to Hamid Hayat. He is his nephew, not his son. (Go to Article)


    An article April 20 about House passage of legislation that would entitle the residents of the District of Columbia to a full voting representative in Congress incompletely described where members of Congress met after fleeing Philadelphia in 1783, one of the events that led to the creation of the district as a home for Congress. They reconvened first in Princeton, N.J., and later in Annapolis, Md., and Trenton, N.J., before moving to New York in 1785. They did not go directly from Princeton to New York. (Go to Article)


    An article in Business Day last Monday about changes at The Philadelphia Inquirer, using information supplied by the newspaper, misstated the source of a photograph of two Amish women taken after last year’s shooting at a schoolhouse. The photograph, which hangs near the office of Brian P. Tierney, the publisher, was in The Daily News, not in The Inquirer. (Go to Article)


    A book review in Science Times last Tuesday about “Hooked: How Medicine’s Dependence on the Pharmaceutical Industry Undermines Professional Ethics,” by Howard Brody, misstated part of the publisher’s name. It is Rowman & Littlefield, not Bowman. (Go to Article)


    Because of an editing error, a television review last Monday about “The Real Wedding Crashers,” on NBC, omitted the first word of the title of a forthcoming book on weddings by Rebecca Mead. The title is “One Perfect Day: The Selling of the American Wedding.” (Go to Article)


    An Op-Ed article on Wednesday, about the Supreme Court abortion ruling, misidentified the state involved in a similar abortion case in 2000. It was Nebraska, not Kansas. (Go to Article)


    An Op-Ed article on Tuesday, about Boris Yeltsin, misspelled the given name of his wife. It is Naina, not Raina. (Go to Article)


    A poem by Kurt Vonnegut on April 20 carried an incorrect description of its history. It had appeared in The Cornell Daily Sun in 2005; it was not unpublished. (Go to Article)
  7. jakewriter82

    jakewriter82 Active Member

    If they consistently call this guy Brandon, then it might be a problem.
  8. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    They were all trying to get players away from real media at the NFL draft
  9. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    From the SportsGuy, and I like reading him...

    "Random note: I flew back Sunday afternoon on Delta and toggled between the fourth/fifth/sixth rounds on ESPN, "Heads Up Poker" on NBC and a "Sons of Hollywood" marathon on A&E. Now that's a fun flight. You have to admit. Where does the whole "getting to watch TV on an airplane" technological advancement rank among the most underrated tech advancements in the past 25 years? Ahead or behind suitcases with wheels? I can't imagine enjoying a flight more than that one. In the words of Sean Stewart, "Those are some big shoes to fulfill."

    It's Jet Blue idiot. Do you not even know what airline you are flying? JetBlue is the one with the TVs.

    Bill, Jet Blue's lawyers are on line one.
  10. Barsuk

    Barsuk Active Member

    Not necessarily. I once (and only once) was on a Delta flight that had the TVs. Got my hopes all up for future Delta flights, and it hasn't happened again.
  11. Cameron Frye

    Cameron Frye Member

    Same thing happened to me. I was on four different Delta planes last week, and I got my hopes up when the first one had TVs. No such luck on the other three.
  12. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    Well I am on a Delta on Thursday. Hopefully I will be proved wrong.

    But Jet Blue is the mother godess of inflight tv.
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