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sick days 2007

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by thereligiouswrong, Dec 21, 2007.

  1. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

  2. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    Took one sick day in the last six years ... on a day I got a root canal. Still went to a basketball practice that night and wrote a story. So much for that.

    I really should have called in sick last year and blown off a basketball game, but for some reason, I went. Stupid. I was a zombie all night.
  3. Del_B_Vista

    Del_B_Vista Active Member

    Never taken a sick day, although I did miss a meeting the day before Katrina hit, a Saturday, because I knew I needed to get well before the storm hit. It was the get-back-here-as-soon-as-the-storm-passes speech, which didn't apply since I worked through it.
  4. Appgrad05

    Appgrad05 Active Member

    Took a day off this year, for a 24-hour bug that had be dragging ass. Two months after I got here, I didn't take a day off for what turned out to be tonsillitis. Covered a prep soccer tournament in 35 degree weather, a NASCAR race and two football games (one college, one prep) while dragging ass. Everything I wrote sucked, and I learned that, sometimes, just because you can does not mean you should.
  5. Editude

    Editude Active Member

    Previous stop we got a personal day if you didn't use any sick days during the year. Only sports folks qualified, so they stopped that practice. Now, I do use occasional sick days as mental health/errands/just need the time. They don't roll over and are a benefit. I understand the loyalty and dedication to the product and people, but it can't be a contest to run yourself into the ground.
  6. buckweaver

    buckweaver Active Member

    One valuable lesson I have learned, back when I used to run myself into the ground:

    The paper will get out without you. And tomorrow, there will be another paper to put out.

    If you are sick, take a day to rest. You treat yourself and your work better ... if you feel better while doing it.
  7. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    That's alright, check this out.

    We've been without an editor since June at a chain of small weeklys (six in all). Three man staff, everyone shoots their own photos, does their own layout, etc.

    So, because we were going through transition in the summer, i couldn't take my one vacation week once I finally got it (around July). High School season starts, so naturally, can't do it then. Playoffs start, can't do it then. Wait until end of playoffs, wind up working during my vacation week and have to use my two personal days as regular days this week because we're not allowed OT over 45 hours.

    As for sick time? Five days allowed, never get the chance to use one.

    Come 2008, I'll get the whole reboot with two weeks vacation, five sick days and two personal days. You can bet your sweat buttcheeks i'm using them all, regardless of our staffing situation.

    After all, they wouldn't let me roll those days over to '08 and are taking forever to hire an SE. Why should i bend over backwards?
  8. a_rosenthal

    a_rosenthal Guest

    Deskers sometimes have it a bit easier with sick days. If I'm not feeling well, I can just sleep until right before my shift starts, or maybe even come in an hour late.
    Plus, at my place, we go over 40 on a weekly basis and don't get compensated for it. If a reporter or desker leaves his shift early, he doesn't need to use sick time because he'll still easily hit 40.
  9. sgaleadfoot

    sgaleadfoot Member

    I called in sick last spring...probably the first time I can remember doing it in I don't know how long.
  10. three_bags_full

    three_bags_full Well-Known Member

    I get unlimited sick days, but wouldn't dare use one.
  11. NoOneLikesUs

    NoOneLikesUs Active Member

    I attempted to use a sick day this year but was rebuffed. I got sick early in the week. My schedule had my days off listed as later in the week. I was still feeling ill the day after I "called off" and had to travel to cover a game. It was hell, but I got through knowing I would have some recovery time later in the week.

    Oh no.

    Editor simply reshuffled the schedule. My "sick day" was treated as one of my regular days off. I had to come in on one of the days I was originally scheduled off for later in the week. I bitched to everyone in the place about how I was getting screwed, but there was nothing I could do. It's apparently legal to do so.

    I told my editor next time I get sick, I will be taking a block of days off so this won't happen again.
  12. Wow. Fuck them.
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