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Savannah Morning News

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by IBIS, Aug 14, 2007.

  1. koolbreeze

    koolbreeze Member

    Right around 54, 000, according to www.powerreporting.com/knight
  2. Bill Horton

    Bill Horton Active Member

    My son is a scholarship athlete at SCAD. He absolutely loves the school and living in the historic district.
    In fact, SCAD had a pitcher drafted by the Yankees in the third round in the most recent baseball draft.
    Why the Bees? Entomologists insist that a bee lacks the necessary physiology to fly. It's body is too big for its wings. Yet, it not only flies but flies well.
    Back when SCAD was founded in 1978 critics said the college would never fly. Thus, the founders adopted the nickname "Bees" for their sports teams.
    There's your trivia for the day.
  3. FlipSide

    FlipSide Member

    Been away for a while and didn't know that about Guidera. What a shame. He has been a favorite read of mine for years. The most underrated columnist in the country, IMO, and a helluva nice guy.
  4. John

    John Well-Known Member

    Wow, I had no idea that Guidera had left. I was always a pleasure to run into him at Georgia games.
  5. bigbadeagle

    bigbadeagle Member

    Holy shit! I knew Thomas had retired, so to speak, but I had not heard that about Tim. Good guy, GREAT writer.
    I've heard some knocks on Stasny - not as a bad person, but as someone who isn't as motivated as the rest of his staff.
  6. deskslave

    deskslave Active Member

    I'll be the fourth? to throw in my surprise about Guidera. Indeed a very underrated columnist. But that's what happens, I suppose, when a newspaper is owned by dickweeds.
  7. Birdscribe

    Birdscribe Active Member

    Wow. Let me add my voice of surprise at the Tim Guidera escape moving-on news. Only worked with Tim once about four years ago at a golf tournament in Sea Island, but he was a pleasure to work with and wrote some good stories.
  8. Shifty Squid

    Shifty Squid Member

    I'm not so sure all the stuff about Savannah being a great place to live are necessarily true. For the right person, sure. But not for everybody. The crime rate downtown is still unreasonably high for a city its size, while the housing prices down there are higher than you'd like. The nightlife isn't anything all that great, and the Riverwalk is a tourist trap. Oh, and it's oppressively hot during the summer.

    All that having been said, it is a pretty downtown with lots of history. It's near the beach, and the SMN newsroom has to be as good as just about any 50K paper in the country.

    Just don't think it's some sort of idyllic paradise. There are plenty of positives and negatives to living there. If you interview, check the place out and see if it's up your alley.
  9. HoopsMcCann

    HoopsMcCann Active Member

    i love savannah -- if i they actually had anything i could cover, i'd be there in a heartbeat

    my best friend lives in savannah and loves it. raves about living there, doesn't want to live anywhere else. he started a business there and does great and can get everything he needs there. as soon as the season ends, i'm gonna spend a couple of weeks there

    damn shame about tim. i'll add to the chorus here. great writer, better guy
  10. Here's something I'd like to get some people's opinions on: If a newspaper posts an ad and doesn't list a mailing address - only an e-mail address - do you still mail them a packet of your clips? Or do you just fire off an e-mail and include links to your work?

    I tend to e-mail, but I'm curious to see what others have to say.
  11. Lamar Mundane

    Lamar Mundane Member

    Savannah is this country's 2nd greatest city to live in, outside of Charleston.

    That said - DO NOT .... DO NOT work for any Morris Comm. publication unless you enjoy making scraps with no chance EVER to make a decent living.

    I speak from experience - 3 years on the Plantation in Augusta.

    Masta Billy givs us servants wahtamelons as summer bonus and a chance to purchase pecans at a discount from his plantation - I wish I was joking.

    The papers are filled with great people - Guidera being one of the finest people I've known in this profession. When Morris drives people as good as him out, it should be a warning.

    I escaped Billy town almost a decade ago and I would NEVER recommend anyone take a job with his company. You will be underpaid, underappreciated and overworked.

    DO NOT get sucked in.
  12. bigbadeagle

    bigbadeagle Member

    I would put Charleston ahead of Savannah - far ahead. Savannah's OK, but the live music scene died years ago, the Civic Center is a toilet of a place - another reason why big name acts bypass Savannah as fast as Sherman marched through the state - and the people there don't think the world exists beyond I-95, the Savannah River and the other side of the Savannah Mall. There's a reason even the locals call it the Free State of Chatham.
    The crime rate is high, and it is a problem, but I've never had an incident.
    A few years ago the SMN ran a readers poll on the state of sports in Savannah. I believe they got only a handful - literally - responses out of a circ then of 60K plus.
    Don't get me wrong - I like Savannah a lot. Hell, I've wasted as much time, money and brain cells there as anybody on this board. But the second best place in the US to live? Mmmm .... not real sure about that.
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