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Reporter outs anonymous source on purpose

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by godspell, Mar 3, 2008.

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  1. godspell

    godspell Member

    Sure, Moddy, why not explain what his face looks like while you're at it?

    And heaven forbid a guy makes a mistake in a message board post. I think you should embark on a mission to make fun of every person on this site who makes a spelling or grammatical error. It's a worthwhile crusade.
  2. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    And heaven forbid a guy doesn't have a sense of humor.
  3. godspell

    godspell Member

    Um, yeah. That's the whole point.

    When you switch attribution in a story from an anonymous source to a legendary football coach, that has a tendency to stick with a reader.
  4. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    No, it doesn't, actually. I'd completely forgotten about this thread.
  5. godspell

    godspell Member

    And I'm sure you read Salguero's story today before I posted it here ... Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

    If you were that religious of an Salguero reader, you would have noticed his big switcheroo, as many here in South Florida did. You might not care, but this has been a topic among reporters down here.

    Stunts like these are the main reason the Herald is looking to chase him out.

    Oh, nobody has reported about the buyout offers down here? Well, don't listen to me. I don't "no nothin"
  6. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    Um, that's kind of the point. You posting the story today reminded me this thread existed.

    I sure as hell wasn't spending every day reading him waiting for him to DARE USE both Parcells AND an unnamed source in the paper. You, on the other hand? Waiting to pounce.
  7. godspell

    godspell Member

    I do read him every day because I get the paper every day.

    If this thread bothers you, then don't post in it. If I'm wrong and this isn't a topic people want to discuss, then the thread quickly will tumble off the front page and out of memory.

    Why the raw nerve here? Move along if you don't like it.
  8. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    Day by day, oh dear Lord, these things I pray....

    Sorry, I couldn't resist posting that on a godspell thread any longer.
  9. markvid

    markvid Guest

    And I, for one, am glad you couldn't resist.
  10. hockeybeat

    hockeybeat Guest

    I don't have any knowledge of what's happening in the Miami newspaper scene, but should the Herald is serious about buying out Salguero, I'd bet that his alleged "switching'' of Parcells' voice isn't high up on their list.
  11. godspell

    godspell Member

    I did say stunts like that. His approach to journalism has taken him to the fringes of the paper. He has been overtaken in status by younger writers because he works within his own world, not really a reporter, not really a columnist, maybe more blogger than newspaper guy. He's a navel gazer. And he gets paid too much.

    His approach has caused him to drift farther and farther away from the paper's needs.
  12. hockeybeat

    hockeybeat Guest

    Those are damning charges. You have that from Herald sources or is this all that your opinion?
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