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Reference question

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Dan Rydell, Sep 10, 2007.

  1. Dan Rydell

    Dan Rydell Guest

    So I was interviewing for this job, and it turns out that my most recent boss gave me a strong refererence but also used it to take an undeserved shot at me.

    I thought it was low-class, given everything that I accomplished to make him look good, and given that his management style creates constant turmoil and drives everyone away.

    The company interviewing me said it was no problem after I explained my side (I took the high road), but you know how that goes. I got the feeling that I might get passed by because the former boss was playing ego politics.

    What would you do in this situation?
  2. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    If you can prove he bad-mouthed you, you may be able to take action against him and the paper. Hell, most bosses these days are instructed to forward all personnel questions directly to HR because of precisely that reason.
  3. ServeItUp

    ServeItUp Active Member

    You did the right thing. You're the bigger, better person for not taking the shot at your former boss. Legal ramifications notwithstanding, it's just not worth it. Look ahead, not back.

    Tell Casey McCall I said hi.
  4. Dan Rydell

    Dan Rydell Guest

    Forgot to mention that I'm going to continue to use him as a reference because of the job I did there.

    I can handle the reference thing now that I'm aware of what he said, but I'm also considering contacting HR at the former company and seeing if they can set him straight. Specifically, to look at the big picture, considering the work I did and the length of time I gave him what he needed.
  5. mike311gd

    mike311gd Active Member

    Stay on the East Coast, Dan. What else am I going to watch on CSC?

    Anyway. How slanderous are the things your old boss said? If you're still there, perhaps he fed the interviewer something fierce so you'd have to stay put -- providing you still work there.

    I think you handled things the right way. Next time, I'd either nix the boss' name off your references and throw down your managing editor or someone above him, should you look for another job.
  6. I wouldn't do that or you might only get a "Yes, he used to work here." as your reference next time. If anything, talk to him.
  7. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    Our HR department has already told us that if we are contacted by a potential employer of someone who used us a reference, all we can do is acknowldedge they worked for us from xxx-xxx. Saying anything else could open the paper to a lawsuit.

    Granted, I think our legal department and HR are just a tad paranoid, but that's what we have to abide by.
  8. EE94

    EE94 Guest

    If you are going to complain to his HR department, I wouldn't expect to keep using him as a reference.
    All he has to do is decline the opportunity when someone calls and it will send up red flags.
    Either speak with him personally or forget it.
  9. Cansportschick

    Cansportschick Active Member

    I know someone that this very situation happened to in a health care environment. She actually went in to see the hiring boss and explain her side. She ended up getting the job because the hiring boss was very impressed with her coming in and defending herself.

    BTW, I would not use that reference any further.
  10. wickedwritah

    wickedwritah Guest

    Wouldn't this guy have known you were using him as a reference?

    When you asked him, wouldn't you have had a clue whether he was going to do some back-stabbing?
  11. forever_town

    forever_town Well-Known Member

    I agree with the "don't use the previous boss as a reference again" advice.

    When I got the job before my current gig, I found out from the woman who hired me that one of the people I put down as a reference was lukewarm. However, another person I put down spoke glowingly about me. The woman who hired me suggested I not use the lukewarm reference again, though she emphasized it was no big deal to her because she was hiring me.

    You want to give references who will cast your work in a positive light. You don't want someone to just say "he worked here from x to y."
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