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R.I.P. Pro Baseball in Pennsylvania

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by nafselon, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. nafselon

    nafselon Well-Known Member

    Well when does the Little League World Series begin?

    I expect the Phillies have a plan to spend some cash in the offseason. Pittsburgh...who knows?
  2. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    Go Red Barons!

  3. Hank_Scorpio

    Hank_Scorpio Active Member

    Hey, the Erie Seawolves are doing ok.
  4. Dude

    Dude Well-Known Member

    The Washington Wild Things are third in their division in the Frontier League!

  5. beefncheddar

    beefncheddar Guest

    Wonderful. Money to spend in the offseason.

    On what, exactly?

    Yeah, that's kind of what I figured.

  6. Cameron Frye

    Cameron Frye Member

    Hey, I think Travis "but he's got a good glove" Lee is a free agent after the season ::)
  7. suburbia

    suburbia Active Member

    Of course, the Phillies' owners could choose to simply pocket the money they've cleared from the books too.

    And even if they are willing to spend, what pitcher worth their salt is going to want to pitch in that ballpark?
  8. MertWindu

    MertWindu Active Member

    Only on this board can someone bemoan the follies of two major league teams in one state, and then have not one but THREE posters come up with the names and current situations of minor league teams in said state in less than an hour. Good stuff, folks.
  9. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    The Harrisburg Senators are sucking just as badly, if not worse.

    So there. :p ;)
  10. Trust NoOne

    Trust NoOne Member

    If you mean by "Ok," dead-last place in the Southern Division of the Eastern League, with the worst record in the entire league.

    Erie could only do worse if Tom Ridge came back.
  11. patchs

    patchs Active Member

    State College Spikes just got swept, right?
  12. MertWindu

    MertWindu Active Member

    Alright, now it's just getting sad.
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