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Prep reporters, chime in please

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Norman Stansfield, Sep 9, 2006.

  1. BillySixty

    BillySixty Member

    My stats are probably more accurate if I'm walking the sidelines, although my handwriting is easier to read if I'm sitting in a comfortable press box.

    I prefer the sidelines because you get to know the people you cover. Assistant coaches, trainers, managers, etc. The team statistician usually walks the sidelines as well, so if I miss something I can always check with them.

    You appreciate the speed of the game much better on the sidelines. Better players stand out more up close, especially linemen. Considering most press boxes aren't in the end zones, you can't tell blocking patterns/receiver routes from the side anyway.
  2. pallister

    pallister Guest

    Hey Buckdub, which route is Brett Favre most likely to throw an interception on? [goingtohavetotakealotofshitiftheBearsloseSunday]
  3. Pringle

    Pringle Active Member

    The only thing I don't like is when someone tells me I'm "lucky," and means it.

    As if they had also bought a ticket for the sports writing career lottery, but didn't win and instead had to be a six-figure lawyer.
  4. Platyrhynchos

    Platyrhynchos Active Member

    Sideline, by default.
    I keep my own stats and shoot my own fotos.

    And, for probably the 10th time in my career, I again got taken out last night.
    Gonna have to learn to stand a little farther back. :D
  5. MilanWall

    MilanWall Member

    Same thing here. Never have gotten taken out at a football game, but did get nailed in the BAD AREA by a stray basketball at a game I was covering once. Ouch.

    And speaking of bad P.A. announcers, I was at a game last night where the guy announced, "And Visiting Team has third-and-25 on the Home 23." Um...guy, are you even listening to what you say?
  6. Ledbetter

    Ledbetter Active Member

    For several years I worked the sidelines, because I had to take photos, but now I'm a press box guy.

    I see the field better, I can keep better stats while updating the scoring summary as the game progresses, and I can work on the gamer at halftime.
  7. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    Having dealt with this as a player and a reporter, I'd say both.

    You can only get that color we all love from the sidelines. But there is one huge problem. You can't really watch the game. No one gets a worse look than the sidelines. There is a reason coaches always say they need to see the tape, besides not wanting to answer the question: They really missed the play.

    My question is this: For all you anal stat people, is it frustrating at all to realize you can scribble your ass off up there and still have shit totally wrong? Because it drives me crazy.
  8. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    I have long preferred to be on the sideline ... but always felt I could do the job better from the press box.

    Especially if you have other writers up there to bounce stats off: "You give him 3 or 4 yards there?"
  9. Cadet

    Cadet Guest

    It's certainly harder covering high schools because nobody is handing you a beautifully-printed stat sheet that is (generally) universally accepted as correct.

    It does crack me up to see how different my stuff is compared to the other area papers. Sometimes I wonder if we were watching the same game. Sometimes I know they didn't send anyone and I was the only reporter physically present, so I know I was right and they were wrong.

    I can write an entire game story off stats alone, if need be. I can't write one based on seeing some kid sprain his ankle up close.
  10. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    Even at the DI college level -- covered a game in the rain last weekend, with one team wearing white jerseys.

    Snap, play, 14 guys fall on each other in the mud.

    Offensive spotter: 26, rush, three yards.

    Defensive spotter: Uhh, fuck it, 56 on the tackle.

    Opposing beat writer: They don't have a 56.

    Defensive spotter: Yeah, but who can tell.
  11. subhead

    subhead Member

    I've done both, but always walk the sidelines now for preps games.

    The press box gives a nice view, but it's too easy to be off half a yard and put a play on the 9 instead of the 8 or judge how difficult the fourth-and-one plays are.

    It's also easier to be sure which back runs the ball on plays with fake handoffs etc.

    Basically, it all comes down to where you most feel comfortable watching the game, but also keeping stats and play-by-play. Some people need everything spread out in front of them. I'm fine with a note pad.

    People should definitely try both before settling.
  12. awriter

    awriter Active Member

    It depends. Is there room in the press box? How tight is the deadline? If I only had a few minutes to send, then I'd be in the press box doing a running story. Otherwise, I preferred being on the field.
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