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Political Suicide -- While U Wait

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Fenian_Bastard, Aug 11, 2007.

  1. On the "Hillary" thread, people were discussing why young people don't vote, but now the The War Czar has stepped up.


    Rudy? Hill? Anyone? Hello?
  2. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously Well-Known Member

    As I'm sure F_B knows, the late M. Scott Peck ("The Road Less Traveled") wrote "People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil" and included a section that dealt with the military. He chaired a committee of psychiatrists chosen by the Army to study the My Lai massacre in the hope of preventing something like that from happening again. All of the recommendations of the panel were rejected, but that's another story.

    Years later (in "People of the Lie") he advocated a reinstatement of the draft. My simple synopsis of his position: A volunteer army allows us to hire someone else to do our dirty work for us and remove us from the pain and from the proximity of the moral struggles inherent in going to war. War should hurt, he said. It should not be "easy" to go to war. He pointed out the Vietnam War did not become a significant problem in America until it became a white, middle class problem. When it touched your street and mine, and you lost your cousin, and the guy from your high school class, you felt it. To limit our fighting personnel to volunteers shields us from many elements of war that force us to confront evil more honestly, he said.

    For our mental and moral health, he argued, a draft would keep us more honest about the decision-making governing our foreign policy and keep more vigorous the power of democracy with respect to choosing war. There's much more than that, but that's the basic argument. It's a compelling read, and only part of why the book stayed close to me for years.
  3. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    It'll never happen...
  4. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    No Western industrial power has been able to wage colonial wars with a draftee army-not even the Soviets in Afghanistan.
    Since colonial (or, to avoid ideological conflict, long-terms struggles in Third World countries) are the type of wars the U.S. will likely be fighting for the foreseeable future, there will be no draft. Hell, people won't even pay a tax increase for Iraq.

    P.S.: On a personal note, as the father of two draft age children, I would fight its institution by any means necessary. I can dig where J.D. is coming from, but the cure for bad wars is to be better citizens, not mandatory suffering.
  5. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously Well-Known Member

    Just making sure you, Michael, and others understand: Peck's position on this is not necessarily mine (in toto, anyway), but one I think every American would benefit from reading and considering. It's a searing and brutally honest exercise for the soul to read the entire chapter I referenced.
  6. Football_Bat

    Football_Bat Well-Known Member

    Folks, what you're seeing is called a "trial balloon" by those in the know.
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