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Please help - Mac problem

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Diabeetus, Aug 2, 2007.

  1. Cadet

    Cadet Guest

    Try zapping the PRAM, my cure-all for problems:

    shut down the computer
    keep fingers on command, option, letter P and letter R
    start up computer, let it cycle through the "startup" sound three times before releasing your fingers
  2. Diabeetus

    Diabeetus Active Member

    No luck... :(
  3. Cadet

    Cadet Guest

    try shift-option-control
    hit the power button
    wait five seconds, then release the keys
    power button again to restart
  4. Diabeetus

    Diabeetus Active Member

    Nothing again :(

    I really think I'm fcuked here...
  5. Diabeetus

    Diabeetus Active Member

    Going home time, but please if anybody knows anything, continue posting on here and I'll check as often as I can. Thanks again!
  6. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    have you simply tried a norton?
  7. Duane Postum

    Duane Postum Member

    Call Apple tech support.
  8. jgmacg

    jgmacg Guest

    Before you call (because out-of-warranty, they'll bill you - I think it's $50) go online to Apple support. You may have to do this from work or your neighborhood cyber-cafe. Search things like "ibook start-up." http://search.info.apple.com/index.html?q=ibook+start-up&type=&search=Search&lr=lang_en&search=Go

    You may find that what you need to do is disconnect your power cord, and then remove the battery from the computer. Wait a few minutes, then reinstall the battery, reconnect the power cord, and try to reboot.

    Or you may need to restart your computer using the start-up disk that came with it.

    FIRST, though, go to the Apple support pages and root around for a while. It's free, and it answers almost any question you might have. Having done so, if you're still uncertain, call Apple Care.

    Or, locate an Apple/Mac specialist in your area. The Apple stores can be infuriating. Also, CompUSA has an Apple department. Good luck.
  9. Duane Postum

    Duane Postum Member

    Link from Mr. MacG's excellent post/advice:

  10. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    First step would be the OS X start up disc that came with the machine. Press C when it is booting, to have it boot from the disc instead of your hard drive. Once you are in, assuming that gets you in, try to run the apple disc utility to see what it comes up with.

    It's hard to diagnose these kinds of things without being in front of the actual machine. But that would be the logical place to start.
  11. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    norton. just buy it and it conducts regular maintenance.

    i've owned a mac since the 90s. all those machines never would have stayed running without it.
  12. Jeremy Goodwin

    Jeremy Goodwin Active Member

    I'm pretty sure you're screwed. Same thing happened to me earlier this year. My iBook wouldn't boot and did the same thing you are describing. Luckily it was under applecare. It turned out that my motherboard crashed. The shop I took it to sent it to Apple and I got it back in a few weeks good as new, though it later crashed again, but I went through the same process and now it works fine. I lost the majority of my music and the photos on it, but at least I have a functional computer again. I'm not sure what it would cost w/o applecare. Good luck
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