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Pitts Targeted by White Supremacists

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by jgmacg, Jun 21, 2007.

  1. Big Chee

    Big Chee Active Member

    I think the last line was to sum up his feelings towards the unrealistic painting of white victimzation that's been over dramatized.

    And trust this, there are plenty of good hearted, average everyday americans who subscribe to the reagan era inspired mantra of white victimhood.

    Even your point shows how people are apt to disconnect the points which leads to a comment.

    Sorry, but its doesn't dwarf the overall body and candor of that truthful piece.

    Like I said in the past, it's one of the biggest worries many black writers currently face. One or two rock the boat comment stirs enough waves that the body of their work is washed away by it.
  2. bostonbred

    bostonbred Guest

    not really surprising, that pitts article was blatently craving for attention and some idiots stepped up to the plate.
  3. Big Chee

    Big Chee Active Member

    I could see if there was blatent disregard for the truth, but that article seemed blatent in its naked honesty and TRUTH.
  4. Simon_Cowbell

    Simon_Cowbell Active Member

    There have to be directions available to where that guy lives, right?
  5. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    Interesting that the white supremacist quoted in that story, his last name is "White."
  6. alleyallen

    alleyallen Guest

    Let's hold up here on the whole connect-the-dot talk and the failure to read the piece argument. I clearly said in my post that I needed someone to post the entire article. That one line, by itself, certainly could be incendiary, but I recognized the absolute need to read the WHOLE article.

    Now that I've had a chance, Pitts makes some good points, but he's failed on a couple, as well.

    I will say that the concept of something being "underreported" is largely a subjective term. I, for one, had heard quite a bit about the Knoxville murders, although he points to claims by whites that it has been underreported. But the only reason why I knew about it was because I saw a headline somewhere and followed it up. So there is that part of it.

    And in reference to the Duke case, I would say that a couple of points stood out. The fact that the alleged victim was black and had been "victimized" by whites got quite a bit of play, and those guys were pretty well demonized for being rich, spoiled, etc. Whether the charges were true or not, those guys were hammered pretty hard.

    But as someone who actually agrees that blacks get a raw deal, even today, Pitts' column did little to further that belief. I'm guessing a lot of white readers, those he's trying to stir to action, aren't going to react quite the way he'd hoped.
  7. Simon_Cowbell

    Simon_Cowbell Active Member

    Pitts is my favorite columnist. Have written that many times.

    But I thought he was a little pugnacious with this column, given how absolutely awful these two deaths were.

    I thought the final line was WAY too cavalier and flip, especially given his previous body of work.

    Let's be clear here, Leonard Pitts is color blind in his writings. He has ripped African-Americans many more times than Ruben Studdard Jr. has.

    Mr. White and his klan need to be carpet bombed.
  8. Big Chee

    Big Chee Active Member

    No one would deny that. But, myself knowing one of the accused in the Central Park trial, their parents weren't given 60 Minutes specials and up to the minute updates of possible evidence to their innocense.
    The duke boys rightfully received that coverage.

    Blacks and poor people in general don't receive even an ioda of that balance, no matter how uneven the scale tilts.
  9. alleyallen

    alleyallen Guest

    No argument there. None at all. When Nancy Grace decides to devote a week of coverage to a missing non-white girl, I'll take notice. Until then, she's an evil shrew who makes the rest of us look bad.

    Look, I don't disagree with Pitts, but if his effort was to try and get whites to agree with him, I think he may have actually further disaffected many of the people he was trying to reach.
  10. Simon_Cowbell

    Simon_Cowbell Active Member

    Not even up for debate.

    Who was the last black Natalie Holloway? JonBenet? Carly Bruschia?

    And the wrongly accused usually don't have a word written about them until they are released after 20 years in the can.
  11. cake in the rain

    cake in the rain Active Member

    I thought he could have handled it with a much more gentle touch, since the basis for his column is one of the more horrific crimes I've ever read about. The victims and their families and friends didn't ask to be roped into a political issue. It's not their fault that white supremacists have taken up their cause.
  12. Big Chee

    Big Chee Active Member

    This is true.

    But you also have to understand the frustration of seeing people use this issue to further the already existing belief that whites are somehow being victimized by people of color.

    Pitts frustration sums up what it amounts to in its aggregate while touching this single issue.
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