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Paydirt! Dumbest political column ever..by Canada's own Rachel Marsden

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by JR, Oct 29, 2007.

  1. Dan Rydell

    Dan Rydell Guest

    Not even close, Tony. The buck stops in the White House.

    Especially in times like these.
  2. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    Man, if you're pinning all your hopes and dreams on VENONA ... wow.
    Most serious historians don't believe and some reasonably believe that it is an attempt to rewrite history or a deliberate attempt by the Russians to take advantage of the then paranoia.
    Some background ... VENONA is a reference to the American work on Russian codes during the Cold War.
    At the time, some believed that due to a Russian error, America was able to crack the codes. Every Russian code used a one-time only pad for the code key. But Americans believed that some pads were used twice and it led them to break snippets of the code.
    Sentence fragments, half words, just bits and pieces. The amount translated, by percentage, is in single digits.
    The parts translated seemed to imply that the American government was chock full of Russian spies. From small offices to the White House.
    Almost none of the information gathered from VENONA was ever confirmed by a second source.
    The sudden adoption of it now as gospel puts people like McCarthy in a favorable light and for some, that's a good thing.
    Some think it was a deliberate effort by the Russians to put false information out there.
    Others, and this includes most historians, think it is junk.
    And am I the only one who thinks her picture in the Toronto paper makes her look kinda hot?
  3. Another inconvenient outbreak of facts erupts.
    Besides, even the anti-Communist nuts of his time thought McCarthy was a drunken buffoon. Pat McCarran, a guy who did serious and long-lasting damage, thought old Joe was the worst thing that ever happened to his pet issue. I recommend Micheal Ybarra's "America Gone Crazy" as an essential read.
    Ms. Marsden has been a hobby of mine since Fox canned her. A genuine prize. Jay, you need to get out more, dude.
  4. Football_Bat

    Football_Bat Well-Known Member

    I thought of "The Prince" first, but Sun Tzu works also.
  5. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    One thing Marsden, O'Reilly, Rush and Coulter have in commong: JR doesn't agree with them, and that makes them bad evil people who must be silenced.
    Joe McCarthy would be proud of JR.
  6. JR

    JR Well-Known Member


    Do me a favour.

    Find yourself another retort than "JR doesns't agree with them' because "them" in this case are are liars, frauds, drug addicts and in Marsden's case, a complete psycho.

    Next time you'll be telling me that idiots who believe the world is 6,000 years old and I have a "difference of opinion".

    I don't think any of them should silenced. I'm more depressed by the likes of you who and OT who take them seriously---on any level.
  7. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    For you to refer to people as "liars, frauds, drug addicts and psychos" is a subjective opinion, at best, and irresponsible at worst, and certainly indicative of their views simply being at odds with yours, and you being eternally pissed off about it.

    And you have no idea how seriously I take any member of the media. I read them all, from all spectrums. If you had half the attention span of a 5-year-old, you would have remembered that I have posted in disagreement with O'Reilly, Rush and Coulter on some issues. Marsdsen, I wouldn't know. I actually wouldn't have known she existed if it hadn't been for SportsJournalists.com posts.

    But I certainly don't revile and despise reporters and commentators I don't agree with the way you do about people with whom you disagree.

    You and Fen don't have the corner on being right. Neither do I. The difference is, I admit it.

    You simply stand back and scream bloody murder when anyone says, "you know .... I really don't agree with you and I don't think you're right."

    Grow the hell up.
  8. I give up.
    Rush is a drug addict.
    O'Reilly is a liar.
    And Marsden is a psycho.
    There's actual evidence on all three.
    That their politics belong in a hazardous-waste dump is only a measure of the kind of intellects that "conservatism" buys these days. It's a long drop from WFB to these jamokes. Hell, it's a long drop from Joe Pyne to these folks.
  9. BBJones

    BBJones Guest

    And incredibly, baseball found an even bigger idiot to lead its farcical sport.
  10. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    Actually, it's a matter of "sez you" to all three. You'll never have the stones to admit it.
    Is Mr. Limbaugh currently addicted to drugs? There has been a recovery. But ultimately, unless you're Palm Beach law enforcement, his doctor or his shrink, you don't know.
    Is Mr. O'Reilly a liar? Sounds like you simply disagree with his interpretation of things.
    Is Ms. Marsden psycho? Has she been declare insane by doctors or a court of law? Has she been committed to an institution? Not to anyone's knowledge, so there you go.
    The fact that you would attack those people with serious charges of which you have no knowledge or proof shows what happens when a liberal has a blue-faced hissy fit because the rest of the world won't fall into line with their way of thinking. Instead of arguing issues or facts, it's name-calling ... and you're very good at it. But it doesn't solve anything.
    Like JR, you are in serious need of some maturity.
  11. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    It's not a question of agreeing or disagreeing with Marsden. She's so certifiably wrong and deluded that anyone who wants to argue her case is living in some kind of parallel universe.

    The fact that you give their "opinions" any credibility whatsoever or think they're worth debating pretty much tells me all I need to know.

    O'Reilly is a liar. That's been proven more than once.

    Limbaugh is a drug addict and worse, a raving hypocrite.

    Marsden was given a conditional discharge with one year of probation for criminal harassment of her boyfriend during a breakup in 2004.

    How's that, Hondo?

    Oh, and Hondo, in the case of Limbaugh, O'Reilly and Coulter, I find it ironic that you talk about "facts". None of them would recognize one if it bit them in the ass.

    But I guess you think supporting charlatans is a worthy cause.
  12. OK.
    You are always an addict, even if you're in recovery. Ask addicts if that isn't true. And, if you make a living judging the moral character of your betters for fun and profit, you deserve to get smacked in the face with that fact at every opportunity.
    O'Reilly is a liar. He made up where he grew up. He faked his resume; he didn't win a Peabody award, his former program won a Polk after he left, and he attributed a drop in the French economy to a magazine that didn't exist. I didn't call him a pervert, although the Mackris affair entitles me to.
    Marsden, as should be obvious from the Salon piece, is bunny-boiling batshit.
    These people aren't addicts, liars, and psychos because of their retrograde idiot politics. They're addicts liars and psychos because they are addicted, tell untruths, and act nutty in public. The politics are just a bonus.
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