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Oregonian editorial page editor dies (after paying a college student for sex)

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Double Down, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    It does bring a new definition to entry-level position.
  2. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    At 63 likely
  3. Drip

    Drip Active Member

    Well maybe not his daughters.
  4. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    What is a 63? Is that the "a sex act" he was engaged in?
  5. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Yeah. Don't try it at home.
  6. waterytart

    waterytart Active Member

    Re: Oregonian editorial page editor dies (after paying a college student for sex

    You are a bad man. But funny. ;)
  7. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    Death by baked chicken.
  8. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    In this case he really did die doing what he loved, a 23-year-old college coed. I guess I will dissent and say this is just salaciousness that is not newsworthy. What percent of Oregonian's knew the guy's name when he was live? 1%? I wouldn't have printed it.
  9. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    I think they were up a creek when they reported that he died in his car, based on the word of the friend. If they hadn't been led into reporting that and then had to set the record straight, there's a reasonable chance the true circumstances never would have appeared, at least in the Oregonian.
  10. Harry Doyle

    Harry Doyle Member


    Not to keep pissing on the guy's grave, but he also got a DUI last year... http://bit.ly/9ZMuUd

    Anyhow, I think LTL is absolutely right. The O acknowledged that Caldwell was a public figure when it deified him in death. My Facebook feed was overrun by "sad day for newspapers" posts before the sex tales came out. Once that has been established, the uncomfortable details that come out afterward have to be included.

    Lots of good jokes about this in my shop today, too. But it all just feels kind of sad to me. Not saying there's any justification to his actions, nor am I saying he should be absolutely skewered. No strong opinion on that aspect. The overall story just makes me uncomfortable and sad. Maybe it's the fact that there will be no closure for his family. Maybe it's the fact that I'm not having sex with 23-year-old co-eds. Whatever it is, it's there.
  11. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    I can go along with that. Unfortunate.
  12. Harry Doyle

    Harry Doyle Member

    Gawker is critical of The O's coverage:


    I think Gawker is absolutely insane; the paper had to report it for the reasons well established on this thread. But thought I'd share.
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