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On-air TV talent and changing times

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Charlie Brown, Sep 29, 2009.

  1. Charlie Brown

    Charlie Brown Member

    I remember when consultants told TV anchors to hold their head still, move their eyes as little as possible and never bring their hands into the shot. I'm watching a woman on CNN, and she's got me wondering if the consultants are trying to make the talent seem more edgy. She's standing. She's waving one hand, she's waving two hands, she's resting her chin on an ink pen, she's cocking her head, and she nearly did a "I know you didn't just say blah blah blah" to someone who said blah blah blah. She is going to put the pen in her mouth soon. I just know it. Is this the new approach, or is she just doing her own thang, girlfriend?
  2. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    I blame the demise of TV news on the clip-on mike. As soon as that happened, you saw more gesturing, more props, more walk and talks.
    And don't get me started with anchor happy talk. I almost get the impression that the folks on TV are sitting on a couch watching the news and commenting on it. And frequently you see anchors reading stuff on a teleprompter that it is clear they have no idea what they're talking about, judging by the expressions of surprise when they realize what they're saying.
  3. SoCalDude

    SoCalDude Active Member

    If they had hand-held mics, it would be more difficult to fuck the chicken.
  4. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    Damn, I had the under.
  5. PCLoadLetter

    PCLoadLetter Well-Known Member

    If consultants told anchors not to move their head and never bring up their hands, I think that disappeared sometime around 1975.

    Consultants encourage anchors and reporters to be active and demonstrative. If they use a prop the consultants wet themselves with glee.

    I have had two consultants use the following example for really excellent prop use: you could say that a preemie is 12 ounces at birth... but why not hold up a Coke can to give it perspective? A soda can is 12 ounces, and that really drives home to the viewer just how small it is!

    Both times, I pointed out that the soda is 12 fluid ounces, which actually has nothing to do with the fact that the baby weighs 12 ounces. They are entirely different units of measure. And both times, the consultants just stared at me, like I was the dipshit who just didn't get it. And I've since seen more than one station break out a Coke can for a preemie story.

    Consultants are the absolute scourge of the industry. The best one I ever dealt with was still completely fucking useless.

    (They're right about the anchor moving, though. The stick-up-the-ass Kent Brockman approach is pretty outdated and deathly to watch.)
  6. Paper Guy

    Paper Guy Member

    i missed the joke...usually i ignore such things, but *please* explain
  7. SoCalDude

    SoCalDude Active Member

  8. Charlie Brown

    Charlie Brown Member

    I must have bad hearing. I heard "plucking."

    NQLBLQ Member

    Whats the deal with "fuck" being said slipping out on TV these days?
  10. Karl Hungus

    Karl Hungus Member

    Props are one thing in an active standup for a reporter, though not always a necessity, but what a waste on-set. That Coke can example you used is absolutely silly.
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