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oh those wacky college kids

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by txsportsscribe, Mar 4, 2009.

  1. jlee

    jlee Well-Known Member

    Agreed, especially when gen-ROFLMAOzerz hits the job market. There's one thing J-School gives you that few other college majors provide: the ability to write cleanly and clearly to a broad audience.
  2. Dillon Panther

    Dillon Panther New Member

    Where were you guys three years ago when I decided to major in journalism? I just got my degree in December and am learning the hard way how valuable it really is. :)
  3. eyecu

    eyecu Member

    Well done.
  4. Rumpleforeskin

    Rumpleforeskin Active Member

    With a name like Dillon Panther, you should have gone into porn.
  5. Dillon Panther

    Dillon Panther New Member

    I take it you've never seen Friday Night Lights, but now that you mention it, that is a hell of a porn name.
  6. Wenders

    Wenders Well-Known Member

    I love how the picture is from people who work at the actual newspaper.

    If I was entering college now instead of five years ago, I wouldn't have majored in journalism. Oh well, it's done now. I have the degree and a job and an exit plan. The last part of it shouldn't be something any 23-year-old should have, but there it is.
  7. Sneed

    Sneed Guest

    I echo this sentiment. I'm graduating with the degree in May and am wishing I had at least done some other more practical major while writing for the paper instead of busting my butt to become editor of the thing.
  8. Sneed

    Sneed Guest

    At least, that's how I feel on the particularly hard days. But maybe something amazing will come along for all of us hard-working journalistic folks.

  9. jfs1000

    jfs1000 Member

    Awful advice. So you can write and that is a fallback option. Does the finance guy go into finance for a just in case job as a math teacher? Give me a break. If you are a journalism major it should be for journalism. This is a specific degree for a specific career that is dying on the vine.

    Is it that hard to get any sense of realism in college anymore? Kids thinks because they are good, there will be a job for them. As if your talent mattered. Even star quality gets treated like trash now.
  10. Sneed

    Sneed Guest

    So what's there to do with writing talent? Not sure if you're bitching or just stating the facts, but are there viable alternatives for talented writes?

    There's gotta be something talented young writers can do to continue growing in the craft while remaining respectable and credible, right?
  11. Fredrick

    Fredrick Well-Known Member

    J Schools should fold. Newspapers are training citizen journalists. There won't be a need for true reporting in the future, just fluff pieces. Nobody's going to be doing great pieces on police brutality, government corruption, etc. The easy citizen journalism training should be enough to suffice. Editors think they are so cool getting people to do their little photo galleries and online projects. This business is dead and J Schools should all fold right now. Let 'em get English majors and trained by the newspapers for the fluff journalism of the future. Have 'em major in something else.
  12. "If they want it bad enough, they'll be fine!" -- Dave Kindred, SportsJournalists.com circa January, 2009
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