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New running primaries thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by sportschick, Mar 26, 2008.

  1. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    Perhaps Hillary is gunning to be McCain's running mate.
  2. Yawn

    Yawn New Member

    This is priceless shit. Liberals complaining about the media being unfair and favoring Republicans.
  3. Herbert Anchovy

    Herbert Anchovy Active Member

    Obama invoked the great patron saint of American commerce in today's speech. Worth seeing.
  4. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    And rightfully so.

    God damn, what is going on with the Democrats is a lesson in how to cause a Chernobyl like meltdown within a political party in less than two months and ALL OF IT is happening because Hillary and Slick Willy are losing. When Hillary was winning things were different -- she obviously has shown her true colors through this process and it has not been without potentially severe consequences for the party. Pelosi is getting slammed by Hillary supporters, Florida and Michigan Dem's are pissed at the party, guys like Rendell have drawn a line in the sand, there is the divide between blacks and whites......

    I mean, my God, there are people writing that maybe Al Gore should get into the race to solve this issue -- Al Frickin Gore for chrissakes....

    It is sad because what began as a highly intelligent debate and campaign between two seemingly intelligent people has melted down and turned into a silly mud-slinging festival complete with an almost daily "apology" from some unknown subordinate of the two campaigns for saying something that may or may not have been stupid......

    The democrats should be shitting themselves right now and desperately find a way to tell Hillary to go somewhere and jam it because the longer this goes on -- the higher the possibility of another four years of a Republican-controlled White House come November and nobody wants that.

    But if you look at current public polling the shine is off both of these candidates and their popularity is begining to plummet.

    And the Repubs have the perfect candidate in John McCain is John McCain - he isn't polarizing, he isn't a divisive guy, he isn't a guy that illicits a backlash -- all he has to do at this point is wait for the meltdown to be complete and continue to try and be this harmless nice old man that once was a war hero and he'll back into the presidency.
  5. 1) Current polling doesn't say that at all. The consensus is, at best, is that it's more of a race than people think it ought to be.
    2) The last two Democratic candidate to win when the Republicans held the WH -- Carter in 1976 and Clinton in 1992 -- did so after extended, rather nasty, primary fights.
  6. Big Chee

    Big Chee Active Member

    It looks like Hillary's resume padding has resulted in her positivity ratings sinking to new lows, sliding 8 percentage points in a recent NBC/Wall Street Journal poll.

    Looks like she couldn't avoid the sniper fire of an American public questioning her integrity.
  7. Big Chee

    Big Chee Active Member

    I have a crazy theory, but does anyone think that the rise of reality television has helped the rise of Obama on the political scene?

    Obama's campaign comes off organic and seems much more fluid and cerebral, attempting to keep the voters happy from week to week, and reflects a reality television contestant's attempt to stay in the good graces of the judges or voters.

    Hillary's campaign has really come off stale, old and contrived. A repeat of the past. Her willingness to sensationalize her past only made her come off really fake and turn people off.
  8. Herbert Anchovy

    Herbert Anchovy Active Member

    Yes, a rubric that needs to be investigated by somebody.

    He essentially is a reality TV star right now. With Hillary as the needed foil.

    No diversity casting necessary.
  9. LiveStrong

    LiveStrong Active Member

    Wow. Now THIS is a rip job, courtesy of dailykos.

  10. Giggity

    Giggity Member

    Is there any chance the national party starts leaning on her to shut up and get out before Pennsylvania? It seems like the media are starting to come around to the conclusion that she's toast, so why not put a merciful end to this thing before it gets messier?
  11. Yawn

    Yawn New Member

    Don't awake Fenian from his dream world. Let it come crashing in November. The self-destruction in the DNC isn't even close to complete.
  12. Yawn

    Yawn New Member

    Oh and yeah, 1976 also featured a charge from Reagan that almost got him elected four years early, and a similar floor flurry as the Dems had in 1980. Clinton in 1992 beat a man who had lost his will to fight in Bush 1. He also got his chops hit hard on his "no new taxes" comment. All McCain has to do is set his own agenda and avoid stupid remarks and that situation, too, is different than 1992.
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