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My New Neighbor -- What to Do?

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Webster, Jul 25, 2007.

  1. three_bags_full

    three_bags_full Well-Known Member

    Just smile and nod. And don't do what he suggests. He'll only come back with more. It's your house and lawn. Take care of your lawn and be sure to grow your wife some beautiful roses.

    Congrats on getting out of the apartment.

    As much as I'll be moving with my new job, I won't own a home again for quite some time. I'm jealous.
  2. Some people don't know they are overstepping their bounds .. until you point it out to them.
    I'd venture that until you say something to this "helpful" fellow he will continue to offer suggestions until you say otherwise.
    Obviously, the degree of tact to use is up to you.
  3. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    empty bottle of beer, gas, piece of old shirt, lighter.
  4. if you are happy with the way things look, then just simply tell him that. if you plan on making changes (a new fence, etc), then let him know that you plan on getting to it once things settle down. If he keeps this up, then just flat out ask him what his problem is--he might be one of those annoying fucks who is always worried that his property value will decrease--if that's the case, then tell him if he's not happy, he can do it himself.
  5. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    yeah, one thing if he brings up the fence again and if it would border his property on one side, tell him you've got an estimate and assume he would want to split the cost of his share and it would be $1,200 bucks and ask if he wants to proceed.
  6. goalmouth

    goalmouth Well-Known Member

    In the pantheon of neighborly irritation, this guy's way down the ladder. I asked my next door neighbor to cut back his tree branches touching my house three years ago and he still hasn't done it.

    In the end, every homeowner knows you need your neighbors to keep on eye on things, dig you out after a blizzard, or give you a ride to work.

    Besides, maybe his wife's a hottie.
  7. Flash

    Flash Guest

    If the branches are on your property, don't you have the right to cut them?

    Deal with it diplomatically, then go home and order a bunch of porn in his name. Get Swank, Jugs and Penthouse delivered to his door. Or, gay male porn. That could be fun.
  8. EStreetJoe

    EStreetJoe Well-Known Member

    Just thought of a better solution. Say to the guy "Thank you for not telling me about all these problems before I bought the house, I'll fix them when I have time and money"
    simply build a green monster style fence on your side of the property line between your houses. That way he won't be able to see your property to complain/make suggestions to you about it.
  9. Big Buckin' agate_monkey

    Big Buckin' agate_monkey Active Member

    Happy Scrappy Hero Pups?
  10. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    gay porn/white power propaganda to his work. pay for it with a money order in his name and his work address.
  11. Duane Postum

    Duane Postum Member

    "I really appreciate the suggestions. Say ... have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior? I've got some material I'd like you to see ..."
  12. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    That might be the answer -- like getting an ACLU membership for a conservative friend . I'm dreading our inevitable chit chat this weekend.
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