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Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by beanpole, Dec 9, 2011.

  1. slotman1

    slotman1 New Member

    CNHI has announced plans to have pagination hub up and running for North of Boston operations as of 7/16, with new software and new workflows. Anybody in Tonowanda hub want to offer insight on how it's going there?
  2. Mark2010

    Mark2010 Active Member

    I'm surprised they waited this long. (Hell, if Paxton can do it.....)

    Be interested to see how it works.
  3. Kato

    Kato Well-Known Member

    Third-quarter furloughs, five days, announced yesterday at our shop. We're up to 65 days since 2Q '09.

    Bad day to announce it too, as we're short-handed in several departments — specifically sports, photo, copy desk — during a very busy week because of furloughs, vacations and part-time staff cuts. People are edgy and very frustrated, yet the work is expected to be done.

  4. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Then don't complete the work then.

    "Sorry, I couldn't get around to it. I had A, B, C, and D to do, and then I had to go on furlough."
  5. Colton

    Colton Active Member

    Pardon my French, but "FUCK!!!!!"

    Apologies... rant concluded.
  6. Kato

    Kato Well-Known Member

    Oh, and let me add outdated/failing technology to the list of things putting us behind.
  7. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

    Savvy readers will note this thread is currently beside "Do you carry?"
  8. Rawbot

    Rawbot Member

    Your CNHI shop has photographers and a copy desk?!?

    Not mine. Not even close.
  9. Mark2010

    Mark2010 Active Member

    Pretty much. The only way management is ever going to get the message is to have a disaster on its hands. If the people running the place don't care, why should we? (Sad, but true.)
  10. castnet4fish

    castnet4fish New Member

    They cut 2 positions in pagination (Tx paper) and now the publisher and editor are building/dummying pages in the morning. One of 3 reporters is leaving tomorrow (leaving me and a newbie). It's sad looking around the newsroom. No one gives a shit anymore. as for the new round of furloughs, they failed to mention that
  11. Cnhihater

    Cnhihater New Member

    Same with another Texas paper. Editor, who I learned recently had to have meeting on of he was focused enough, now dummies paper before having to design several pages each of the whopping three days it publishes. The newsroom has the editor, one reporter at the time, a reporter doing bulk of design and sports editor who covers six HS teams. Editor helps in sports when time allows.
    CNHI has ruined the Papers image and the core group of newsroom employees probably won't be around much longer. The day the sports editor or editor has enough is the day the paper should go ahead and lock the doors.
    How can this company admit readership is never been so slow yet force even more special sections which are bare of ads? Dumbasses
  12. castnet4fish

    castnet4fish New Member

    So true. Reporter #2 is leaving (and #3 is already gone) leaving me until they hire more people at the "budgeted rate" which is $2 more per hour than what I make (been there 12 years in august). This sucks
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