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Married guys - yes or no on the wedding band?

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by 93Devil, May 20, 2008.


Married guys, are you wearing a wedding band right now?

  1. yes

  2. no

  1. alleyallen

    alleyallen Guest

    Or a wedding band tanline?
  2. lono

    lono Active Member

    Giambi has his lucky gold thong.

    Me, I have this lucky gold band, a constant reminder that I outpunted my coverage.
  3. Yodel

    Yodel Active Member

    I never took mine off. That is, until the divorce.

    Unfortunately, my ex acted like she wasn't wearing one, whether she was or not. ::)
  4. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    I rarely take mine off.

    And when I do, I always make sure I put it back on with the engraving inside the ring facing the same way it faced when my wife slipped on my finger nearly eight years ago.
  5. shockey

    shockey Active Member

    from what i've seen, the ring don't mean a thing when it comes to getting laid. not all men or women find the gold to be a stop sign. :eek: :eek:
  6. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    The only way to get adjusted to it is to wear it all the time... It took me about three months to get used to it, now I only take it off to swim...
  7. Pete Incaviglia

    Pete Incaviglia Active Member

    I wear mine. But I take it off when I go to bed, when I work on the home computer – but not the work one. I also take it off to shoot hoops.
  8. Birdscribe

    Birdscribe Active Member


    I haven't taken my off in probably a decade. I couldn't get it off my finger if I tried.
  9. Birdscribe

    Birdscribe Active Member

    Ever the cynic, huh Dools?
  10. kleeda

    kleeda Active Member

    I take it off to play sports ever since catching a liner in a softball game that turned into an oval about 13 years ago. I take it off to sleep or shower. Other than that, I put it on, think about how much I love my wife, and, as lono said, remain thankful I married way up.
  11. markvid

    markvid Guest

    Mine only comes off when I am using tools so I don't kill it.
  12. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    I wear mine inspite of the following incident that happened to the former PR director of the team I cover:

    Pregame, Dodger Stadium. He's standing on the dugout steps, facing into the dugout, leaning with his hands on the edge of the dugout roof. He hops down, ring catches on a hook on the roof ... let's just say he can't count to 10 anymore without employing a toe.
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