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Mark Cuban hits nail on the head, re: newspapers

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by OnTheRiver, Nov 14, 2006.

  1. boots

    boots New Member

    You might not agree with Cuban totally but in my dealings with him, I will say that he is far from being a dummy. He walks the walk and talks the talk. You might not like how fast he walks or the way that he talks, but he's not a pussy.
  2. imjustagirl2

    imjustagirl2 New Member

    I grabbed this issue from my mailbox last night, and look forward to curling up with it tonight.

    Jones and Clooney? *fanning self*

    I have been a big fan of Cuban's for some time.
  3. WSKY

    WSKY Member

    Mark Cuban — along with Bob Knight — is my hero. Viva Cuban!
  4. XXXX

    XXXX Member

    yea the nba really wants to be more like the nhl.
  5. ShelbyFoote

    ShelbyFoote Member

    Also in the introductory section that Jones had a gallbladder attack and woke up talking about his Clooney story. That's dedication to the story! :D
  6. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Actually, David Stern is not stupid about this. Foreign players are not why interest in the U.S. is dying, but they are why worldwide interest has increased. I don't remember the exact number offhand, but foreign revenue--jersey sales in China, for example--account for somewhere between 5 and 20 percent of total NBA revenue. I think it is closer to 5 percent. There is much more room to grow in overseas markets, where the NBA has not saturated itself, than there is in U.S., where the NBA is a known entity and interest is waning. So yeah, maybe Americans are lukewarm about foreign players on NBA rosters, but the NBA sure as heck likes that foreign revenue and sees it as one of its only growth opportunities out there.
  7. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    I think a lot of NBA honchos would like to see more of the foreign STYLE in its games.

    Hard to do that if you don't first start by bringing over the players who have mastered that style.
  8. fever_dog

    fever_dog Active Member

    cuban knows the nba is growing globally and knows how much money is at stake.
    but his concern, quite frankly, is his backyard. he wants his team to win -- global travel doesn't help that.
    and he wants his team to be the focal point of his community and region, that's why he makes his players do so much community service.

    he's concerend about his arena being filled every night, his employees having jobs to do, and the number of people covering his team.

    with interest in the u.s. waning, why not take care of your business at home and reverse the trend?

    but hey, if you guys think it's so brilliant to take the game overseas, awesome.

    interest will continues to wane, and that gives us less to cover and write about, and ensures we'll give folks even less to read.
  9. HoopsMcCann

    HoopsMcCann Active Member

    fever dog is right... globalization is good for the league, but moving training camps and the such is bad for the individual teams -- and cuban cares about his team first. as well he should
  10. printdust

    printdust New Member

    The point is Stern and his owner buddies would have a corporate write-off vacation which is the only thing they give a shit about.

    As far as Cuban, I know a guy who works for him with the Mavs. He bought the whole front office tickets to Game 4 in Miami. Everyone- ticket sales, janitors. Go figure. Would your boss do anything of that magnitude?
  11. da man

    da man Well-Known Member

    If there had been a Game 7, he was planning to give away about 1,500 tickets to the general public. I believe the Mavs actually lowered some ticket prices this season -- after making the Finals last season.

    Say what you want about the guy, he is terrific for the fans.
  12. DyePack

    DyePack New Member

    As much as I'd enjoy seeing Cuban refine some fucked-up operation like CNHI, I think a more likely outcome would be he'd have a brain aneurysm once he encounters a daily dose of what passes for newspaper strategy.

    I can only imagine the reaction when he hears about the grand plan of front-page design attracting thousands of walk-up buyers.
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