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Lost: The Final Season (Premieres Feb. 2)

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Piotr Rasputin, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. bumpy mcgee

    bumpy mcgee Well-Known Member

    So Jacob stole MiB's "humanity" by killing him, forcing Smoke to take over MiB's body? Smoke and MiB are seperate entities? Can Smoke and Jacob both take over bodies and jump back and forth? Could Jacob have taken over Desmond, then jumped to Sayid at the well to save as many as possible at the sub? Confusion abounds, and I agree that this episode could have been aired at anytime during the season.
  2. mb

    mb Active Member

    There was talk about Smokey being "stuck" in Locke's form. I'm pretty sure it's been mentioned more than once this season. But last week in "The Candidate," Smokey attacked Widmore's camp. So clearly he isn't "stuck" in Locke's form.
  3. NDub

    NDub Guest

    No. He;s stuck in Locke's form in that this is the only body he can assume now, aside from what he really is - a pillar of smoke.
  4. NDub

    NDub Guest


    I started to try to explain this but I'm tired.

    Check out Doc's recap. He explains it.
  5. NDub

    NDub Guest

    And I don't believe for a second that this episode could've aired anytime this season.

    Why would you clearly explain who and what the Smoke Monster is early on or at any time and take away any drama built throughout the season?
  6. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    I can see that.

    Right after the final confirmation that this is the bad guy, to have an episode delving into "what makes a man evil" is a good idea. His desperation to learn, his feelings of betrayal, and his need to move beyond his surroundings . . . all make for a good story.

    There just needed to be more of it.
  7. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Here's a fantastic and lengthy interview by Sepinwall with Damon and Carlton. If you've got 20 minutes, dive in. Oh, and what's up with the outrigger shooters is in there....

  8. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Oh, and the two sneak peaks for next week are posted at ABC.com and probably your favorite Lost blogs.
  9. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    So according to that interview, the answer for the outrigger question is "There's an answer, but we couldn't figure out how to give it to you."

    Well . . . considering someone was shot by Juliet and fell from the other outrigger in that little sequence, I would say this is one that, while obviously minor in the grand scheme of things (could have been old-school, faceless Others in the second boat), merited an answer. Hopefully they at least mention it in a podcast. But ultimately it's a misfire on their part. God forbid they have a small sequence where they reveal that it's Widmore's people or something . . . there was a lot of outrigger traffic this season, after all. A lazy misfire from them. had Juliet not shot someone, it wouldn't be notable. But she did, and it is.

    But again, the main mystery they haven't answered, that absolutely fits the requirement of the characters caring about it, regards Others childbirth on the Island. They have three and a half hours of show to provide a line of dialogue that closes that loop, which I expected to get last night.
  10. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    Reading that interview just depressed the living shit out of me.

    These guys clearly had no idea what they were doing and now they're trying to justify the fact that they're going to piss off a shit ton of people because they bit off more than they could chew.

    There's a point where they're talking about the outriggers where I think they sum it up perfectly.

    So, basically, these guys sat at their table, eating breakfast thinking of all the cool things they could dream up and solve later. Then, when later came, they were like "Shit!".

    I personally don't give a shit about the outriggers but I think it says a lot about these guys and their creative process that something as simple as that, something that requires about three seconds of dialogue, stumped them.

    And this brings me back to the Numbers. I've come to the conclusion that we've gotten all we're going to get on these. I hope I'm wrong but I don't think I am. These guys had this cool idea to explain Hugo's backstory and how he became a millionaire with bad luck and, from there, they couldn't finish it off. They put it off saying "OK, well, we'll explain that later" and then, along the way, just starting adding more fuel to the fire by popping them up all over the place. Eventually, it became too big a burden for one all encompassing answer and so, they quit trying to explain it.

    I'm getting a sinking feeling that these guys are seriously about to drop a huge turd in the punchbowl next Sunday and they'll try to justify it by saying "We only ever cared about these characters" and that's a huge f-n cop out.

    So they couldn't solve every mystery, that's fine. You want me to make up my own conclusions? OK. But you, as a writer, have to present a situation where an answer is POSSIBLE, where I CAN come to my own conclusion.

    Right now, there are way too many holes out there. Too many things left unexplained/forgotten. Right now I'd settle for this whole thing being in Hurley's fucking head. At least then it'd make sense.


    Oh well, you know what? F**k it. I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the final two episodes and, hopefully, it doesn't kill what up to this point has been a fun ride.
  11. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    The more I accept that they just aren't quite good enough to pull this off, the less annoyed I become and the more I can enjoy what's left of the show.

    I liked what they had to say about the parallels between the Original Others and the Dharma Initiative. Hadn't thought of that.
  12. NDub

    NDub Guest

    I'm withholding all judgment until the season and series is complete. It would be nice if everyone would.... but it won't happen and it hasn't happened.
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