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Looking for sportswriter

Discussion in 'Freelance/stringer help wanted' started by World of Basketball, Nov 30, 2009.

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  1. golfnut8924

    golfnut8924 Guest

    World of Basketball,

    Don't worry too much about our rudeness. It's just the American way.

    Your best bet might be college students. When I was in college, I did an unpaid internship with a local newspaper. I wrote some articles for free and didn't mind because I was getting great stuff for my clip file. You may be able to round up some college kids who are willing to do the same.

    Best of luck.
  2. flexmaster33

    flexmaster33 Well-Known Member

    We've had some local graduates go to the Euro League and play...it seems some team owners think the players should play for free, too. One guy hopped around about three teams because his paychecks kept disappearing.

    totally depends on the owner of each team though, I've had others go over and it was a good experience. Seems that they need a Euro Roger Goodell to take charge :)
  3. World of Basketball

    World of Basketball New Member


    that's what I was thinking when I posted this article. Maybe I have posted this in wrong forum section or maybe even wrong forum.
    About American way, I like it. Maybe I am also rude sometimes, but I guess it wasn't necessary in this kind of conversation.
    All the best,
  4. golfnut8924

    golfnut8924 Guest

    In terms of finding some college kids, this may or may not be the best place because I don't know how many students are on here.

    At one of the papers I used to work for, we sent an email to a local university explaining that we were looking for some "volunteer" help and we got a great response. We found sveral kids who were willing to pitch in for free in order to build up their resumes and clip files. Might be worth a try.
  5. World of Basketball

    World of Basketball New Member

    Great advice, we will try this for sure. Thanks again,
  6. Hank_Scorpio

    Hank_Scorpio Active Member

    There are people that do work for free all the time over here. Except it would be for worthy organizations, like food shelters, homeless organizations and Habitat for Humanity.

    Somehow I don't think your company would fit into that category.

    You also missed the point on the rudeness comment. No one on this thread has been rude at all.
  7. World of Basketball

    World of Basketball New Member

    My apologize if I was rude and said something to make anyone upset.
    We also have "Human Corner" on our site, you can check at: http://www.worldofbasketball.org/charity-and-humanitarian-activities.htm where we promote humanitarian and charity organisations. We cannot financially help, but at least we can promote and maybe some of our visitors will help. We definitelly not fit in that category, but at least we trying to help in some way. Guys, I am 39, I am very serious person, not person who would cheat anybody. Simply at this moment we cannot pay for writings. If you can't write for free, it is ok, and we understand. Owner of another Basketball site told me that they pays 5 - 7 US$ for 600-700 words article. There is not big difference between 7 US$ and nothing. You are probably paid much more, but once again, maybe I posted my question in wrong forum.
  8. golfnut8924

    golfnut8924 Guest


    Something must have touched a nerve with you about the working for free thing. I'm sure as shit not going to work for this website. I take it you won't either and I assume 99.9% of the SJ members won't either. But that doesn't mean this guy should be burned on a stake for putting his ad out there.

    Working for free helped my career big time. I did it for about 8 hours a week during one summer I was in college. Mostly clerical work but I did get to write about a dozen stories which did wonders for my clip file. My fellow journalism school buddies thought I was crazy for working for free. But then graduation time came and all they had were clips from our student paper. I got a full-time newspaper job almost right away and they struggled for a long time. So I didn't really see it as working for free because it did eventually pay off.

    Unfortunately, most students don't see it this way. Most of them won't even pick their nose for free.

    Now I will concede that a website such as this guys will not look nearly as good on a resume/clip file as a print newspaper would. But it might not hurt.
  9. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    This comes up every couple months so I'll restate for the newcomers instead of just deleting: non-paying freelance ads don't fly here. I know some of the thread-starters mean well, but we make no distinction. I'll say the same thing to WoB that I say to all these folks: get your site going to the point of being able to pay, then come back. We'll be happy to have ya.
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