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London Olympic logo released.

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by MilanWall, Jun 4, 2007.

  1. da man

    da man Well-Known Member

    LONDON (AP) — An animated display of London’s jigsaw-style 2012 Olympics logo, which has drawn an unfavorable public response, was removed from an official Web site Tuesday following concern it could trigger epileptic seizures.
    Epilepsy Action, a British health charity, said 10 people had complained about the animation and some had suffered seizures from watching images depicting a diver plunging into a pool.
    The Olympic group said it has taken steps to remove the animation from the Web site and will now re-edit the film.
    The design is made up of four jagged pieces that form the numbers 2012 in a variety of colors. It cost $796,000 and was targeted at young people. The logo was unveiled Monday and within hours an online petition was established asking for a new design.
    London’s Design Museum founder Stephen Bayley said the logo was “a puerile mess, an artistic flop and a commercial scandal.”
    Chief organizer Sebastian Coe claimed the graffiti-style design was created to draw the attention of young people. An official Web site shows flashing and moving images of the logo. In a departure from previous games, the logo has no visual imagery of the host city or country.
  2. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    Two suggestions for the Opening Ceremonies instead of a recreation of the Old Globe theater, musical guest The Clash and a reenactment of the final battle of Bravehart. I'd watch that.
  3. pseudo

    pseudo Well-Known Member

    If your logo is causing seizures, this probably isn't a good thing.

    Oh, and for your viewing pleasure (probably NSFW):
  4. Football_Bat

    Football_Bat Well-Known Member

  5. T2

    T2 Member

    Is the logo perhaps the final frame of an animation, in which the five pieces (before they flipped themselves around) originally formed something recognizable such as a square or an arrow or anything? With a little time on my hands, I printed out the logo, cut out the five red jigsaw puzzle pieces, and tried to rearrange them. I found nothing.
  6. alleyallen

    alleyallen Guest

    Too much time on your hands, it seems.

    The British likely weren't that clever, given the hideousness of the design they chose.
  7. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    Cost of said logo: $800,000 dollars (US) according to Olbermann's Countdown. It doesn't give me epileptic seizures, just the shakes.
  8. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    It kind of reminds me of crooked teeth.

    Why not just do a logo based on Monty's second chin?
  9. Speedway

    Speedway Member

    This from marketing guru Seth Godin's blog


    Actually, it's just a jaggy picture

    The UK games have unveiled the Olympic logo for 2012. If you were an ordinary person, you'd describe it as a slightly jarring, very bright piece of abstraction. Of course, you're not an ordinary person, you're a marketer, in which case you might understand this:

    "This is the vision at the very heart of our brand," said London 2012 organising committee chairman Seb Coe.

    "It will define the venues we build and the Games we hold and act as a reminder of our promise to use the Olympic spirit to inspire everyone and reach out to young people around the world.

    "It is an invitation to take part and be involved."

    If you are paying money to someone who talks like this, may I suggest you stop? And if you work for someone who talks like this, time to look for a new gig.
  10. The problem with using the final battle of Braveheart at an Olympics in London is that the British, ah, lost that one.
  11. Mystery_Meat

    Mystery_Meat Guest

    Another suggestion for the opening ceremonies: Noel and Liam in a fight to the death.
  12. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    FB - then the Revolutionary War, um, I mean Dunkirk, um I mean the Falklands, um - and these guys give the French crap?
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